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This. Fucking, this.

Warning: This post may contain minor spoilers!
I personally don't care(nor understand) that Abby is transgender and overly muscular. The thing I can't stand about her is how the story expects us to find her 100% sympathetic or in the right. And when Ellie gets put into the same exact position, she's somehow the bad guy? This is clearly a morally grey game masquerading as a game of good versus evil. Tell me, what is the difference between Abby and Ellie, beyond one being transgender? Cuz from what I've seen, the game is just a neverending revenge circle.

Y'know why I love Dragon Crowns Amazon? Because she's fun to play as. How her Japanese voice really doesn't suit her gigantic build. Because the way her ass stays visible for 99% of the game eventually stops being sexy and becomes goofy instead, like she's actively TRYING to make sure people know about it. It's not because I fantasize about her. In fact, I'd rather not do that. Have you seen the full artwork used here? She honestly looks kind of disturbing, I'd totally go for Sorcerous before Amazon. But you don't have to find someone attractive to like them.


in reply to PrinnyFreak

I'd also like to mention a western made muscular woman that I like. Amara from Borderlands 3. She may not be my favorite vault hunter(Salvador fan for life) but there is no denying the satisfaction of annihilating everything with just two melee attacks. And she does have a decent enough personality that her lines are pretty good. About the worst thing I can say about her is that she feels a tad generic sometimes.

I'm taking this on because I want to make it clear that I don't feel this way because "Japan good, west bad".


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