Metallix and Yoshi patiently waiting for their new fight in the reboot
Uploaded by hidralalo May 11, 2020 at 04:17PM EDT
metallix yoshi super mario bros. z mario bros sonic the hedgehog
Origin Entry: Super Mario Bros. Z
File type: jpg
Resolution: (900px x 677px)
File size: 86.6 KB
"Still bouncing between some ideas for the second episode. So, have a screenshot. It's the least I can do."
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"Complimentary screenshot as proof that I am making progress on the episode. This will be the last one before release."
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"Pretty much spending all of Christmas day dedicated to working on the episode. I am so close that I can taste it."
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"Working my ass off on scene 8 right now. i really want to reach my deadline this time. >_<"
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"Scene 7 is done. I am really hoping I can get this episode released for Christmas. Don't be surprised if I don't."
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Super Mario Bros. Z - Metallix and Yoshi patiently waiting for their new fight in the reboot
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