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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to Sir Trollsalot

I think it's more likely the last one. It's saying ecchi shovelware is inherently pandering to a straight male demographic (though granted it doesn't have to be "shovelware," you can make this argument with good games with lots of fanservice like Dead or Alive), and if you're fine with that sort of pandering then you shouldn't get your dick in a knot just because a game has something that would be considered pandering to a non-straight or non-male demographic.

Sir Trollsalot
Sir Trollsalot

What exactly is this trying to say?

That you can't criticize it when a game that'd be otherwise fine has [things you don't like]?

That you shouldn't get erogames that suit your desires?

That you're a hypocrite if you buy apples when you don't like oranges?


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