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Origin Entry: I Don't Believe In That Nonsense / So True

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Resolution: (717px x 717px)

File size: 491 KB

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Shadow of the Void
Shadow of the Void

Well, the capitalist class does enrich itself by exploiting the working class an expropriating their surplus labor value, and always seeks to keep as much for itself and give as little as possible back to the workers.

That doesn't necessarily mean the antidote is Marxism or any other form of socialism. It just means capitalism is flawed. The problem isn't economic systems. It's people. Somebody somewhere is going to use any system, be it capitalism or communism, to try to fuck over as many people as possible for their own benefit.

With that being said, it's probably no coincidence that every nation with a centralized command economy nominally based on Marxism (I'm being specific about that on purpose) has been an authoritarian single-party state, while every democratic nation has allowed for private ownership of the means of production. The freest and most prosperous of those democracies have been social democracies, combining a well-regulated market economy with the state providing a strong safety net and certain services (including health insurance and post-secondary education) not effectively allocated by the market. It combines the best of capitalism and socialism, with the state reeling in private sector fuckery and strong democratic institutions to reel in public sector fuckery.


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