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J. The Perverted Summoner
J. The Perverted Summoner Moderator

in reply to TripleA9000

There are different ways to go about a VvC meme.

There's the "Virgin Bad – Chad Good" which is probably the most common type.
Then the "Virgin Normal – Chad Bizarre" which is pretty close to what the original tried to potray, making the Chad something unrealistic and exaggerated on purpose.
And finally "Virgin Good – Chad Bad" which flips the roles on purpose

I've used pretty much all these types, sometimes I mixed them within the same memes, but this time I've done none of that.
This is simply an Ideal GF meme on which was applied the Chad format onto her

That's right. You've been fooled into thinking that this was a VvC meme, but it was actually an Ideal GF meme all along.


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