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GIF Captions - Cain avoiding God's eternal punishment after Reddit deems him "Not The Asshole"

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Murdered my brother, am I the asshole?

Alright, so yesterday I had prepared an offering for the lord Yahweh, you know how it is. Since I am a farmer (at least until the job market turns around, but that's a whole other thing) I decided to offer up the finest fruits I had. And man, those were some fine fruits. Toiled many a long day for those fruits, let me tell ya. My Mother tried an apple and said it was literally the second best apple she's ever tasted. I was really proud of my work.

Well, my brother also had given Yahweh an offering, and guess what? My offering wasn't even acknowledged, whereas my brother's "choice firstlings of his flock" were ALL He could talk about. And for those of you who don't know my brother, let me tell you: the next few weeks were going to be JUST AWFUL. Non-stop gloating every time I saw him.

So yeah, I got a little mad. Maybe I lost my cool and overreacted a bit. But really, can you blame me? It was a stressful situation, and I think most anyone would do the same in the same situation.

EDIT: Thanks for the gold, /u/morningstar!


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