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in reply to Zeebor

But most libleft aren't even communists. A lot of them just want to reform the current system to be more egalitarian and less predatory toward the poors. I'm libleft, yet I have no love for communist ideology.

And even among the most extreme elements of libleft, you will find more socialists, anarchists or deep ecologists than you'll find any true communist. Because believe it or not, in current western societies, communism is not a very popular ideology and is only taken seriously by an extreme minority.

Being against the current form of capitalism does not mean you immediatly become communist.

Red Pyra
Red Pyra

in reply to CHARA

The thing with compass memes is that it assumes the quadrants are hugging their corners, so auth left is typically a Bolshevik even though ideologies like Longism and Distributism aren't even Marxist at all despite sharing the quadrant. Or how Auth Right is always a fascist and almost never a Conservative, or even a monarchist although there's been a push to make it the latter lately. Similarily libright is an ancap even though classical liberals never go that far.

And thus, Libleft is an anarchist SJW even though left libertarian and Social Democrat share a quadrant with him and aren't far left.

Also Communism is understood as Bolshevism these days, so it belongs to auth left, but anarcho socialists and anarcho communists are seen as their non statist extremist counterpart in libleft.


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