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Animaniacs - Animaniacs has always been a show with political jokes and satire: Example 1 out of [MATH_ERROR]

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Ten Shadows
Ten Shadows

As has been discussed at the comments section, political satire used to work much better back in the day than it does nowadays. The internet has desentized us to it: everything about politics and politicians have been talked over, argued about, and memed for years now. And, worse still, the rift between left and right has grown way, way worse in the decades since: they can't agree about anything at all anymore, and feel like they need to oppose one another about everything for no better reason than misguided principles and sheer spite. The internet makes this worse too.

Roughly half of their expected audience is likely to pop a vein for every single political joke they make, while about half of the remaining half will groan.

Judging by the original premise and the trailer, I very much doubt that Animaniacs can keep up with the times. I hope I'll be proven wrong.


And just to preemptively reply to those thinking that they only targetted right-wing politics:

Reminder that Bill Clinton was pretty much a secondary character in the cast, almost always to be the butt of a joke like this one.


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