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Triplem Moderator

Let me read a letter I recently received. "Dear Mr. Bezos. Why has Amazon seen fit to suppress our nephritic cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Employee."
Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course, your question touches on one of the most basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our shareholders really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for the working force? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us pee again?
Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, full-time availability is in our reach. This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our biological imperatives. It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets.


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