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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

As some other pointed out, yes this is a marketing stunt EA themselves did. When the Dante's Inferno game was coming out for the 360 and PS3 (the one that's a pretty clear God of War clone, but a well made one, it was also one of Visceral Games only other titles that wasn't Dead Space) EA hired a bunch of people to pretend to be outraged evangelical Christians in order to drum up attention for the game. It technically did fit with the game given it's loosely based on a famous religious epic and it does take place in Hell, but yeah pretty funny that one of the fake protesters had that sign huh?

When it comes to other examples of a game company using manufactured outrage for a game, one other example I know is when the original GTA came out in 1997 Rockstar hired someone to act not much different from how Jack Thompson would act only a few years later, which I bet in hindsight had Rockstar going "man if we knew this series would generate outrage on its own we probably wouldn't have hired this guy."


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