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For people like this, I tell them that as a Korean I feel that the game also needs Korean representation. (Juri Han, Kim Kaphwon, etc) because there isn't a single Korean character in the roster. And their response can go one of two ways: Either they have to admit that their argument is only valid if they also feel the same way about literally every race of human, or they say that Ryu, Joker, and Min Min (2 Japanese boy and a Chinese girl) should be representation enough for Koreans, basically saying they think all Asians look the same.


in reply to AnonBlah867

Which brings up an interesting question: how are we counting Fantasy races? Because if the Gerudo are not Black, then Hylians and Mushroom Kingdomers can't be White, and suddenly we're left with a game where maybe 25% of the fighters are White.


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