They are not in order while in the tier list.
I deleted SS tier because none of the given ideologies reflect my views well enough
Ideology names:
S tier reflects my opinions the best out of the sample:
[Distributism, Anarcho-pacifism, Anti-centrism, Religious Anarchism]
Awesome tier:
[Market Socialism, Luxemburgism, Left-communism, ConSoc, LibMarkSoc, Green Libertarianism, Paleo Libertarianism, Georgism, Anarcho-Monarchism, Longism, CapCom, Accelerationism, Agorism, Anarcha-Feminism, AnCom, Anarcho-Transhumanism, Environmentalism, Eco-Anarchy, Libertarian Socialism, Mutualism]
Based Tier is for those that are, at least, better than centrism. They range from workable to barely passable. Not in order:
[Titoism, Communism, Council Communism, NazBol, Social Libertarianism, Mercantilism, Minarchism, Geo-Libertarianism, Capitalism, Conservatism, Integralism, Christian Democracy, Islamic Theocracy, Elective Monarchism, Monarchism, Monarcho-Socialism, Hive-Mind Collectivism, Neo-reactionary, Anarchism (w/o adjectives), DemSoc, Libertarian Socialism, Constitutional Monarchism]
Centrist Tier are ideologies I consider dull. There are also status quo ideologies that I'm sick and tired of hearing people complain about. Senatorialism and Class Dealignment are special cases.
[Social Liberal, Liberal, Senatorialism, Civic Nationalism, Class Dealignment, Moderate, Dead Centrism, SocDem]