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Furries / Furry - I'm late but I hope everyone had a nice Mother's day. Here's June spending it with her own mom. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

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Juicydeath1025 Moderator

in reply to KoimanZX

This is just a theory, and kind of a shitpost, so don't take it seriously.
Okay, let's just be hypothetical here, what if grandma Judy had June, when she was 18. Then June had Skylar at 18 as well, making grandma Judy 36 when he was born. Anyways, Skylar is probably around 12-14 years old in this image, so in theory grandma Judy would be between 46-48 years old.
Look I don't know why your comment got me to write this, but I was bored and my ADHD brain kicked into high gear for this.


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