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110 Views Created about a year ago By Reddit Moments • Updated about a year ago

Created By Reddit Moments • Updated about a year ago

139 KB PNG >be me, muslimfag on a plane >passenger chad says allah doesn't exist, I say he does >chad bets me $10 I cant prove it >hijack the plane by threatening the pilot with a boxcutter >fly plane around in most heavily defended airspace in the world for a while >system has never failed to intercept a flight >thanks to allah most amerifag fighter jets are away on a war games exercise >the rest don't intercept me because today they're running an exercise where planes get hijacked and flown into buildings and their radar screens are full of fake blips >amerifag vice president changed the protocol 3 months prior so he has to personally approve interceptions for the first time ever >allah allows passengers to make cell phone calls despite being 3 times higher than cell tower range and going too fast to connect >fly plane smoothly at 586mph, almost 50% faster than max speed of 400mph where the wings should start to rip off >4 generals responsible for worst defence failure in history all to be given promotions >chad still not convinced of allah's power >fly plane into tower, fuel pours down elevator shaft, gets out, enters another elevator shaft and continues down causing explosions all the way to the basement and making building collapse and disintegrate at free fall speed, setting fire to another skyscraper containing CIA and DoD offices which also collapses at free fall speed and melts steel which stays molten months after collapse, destroys indestructible black box of plane >mfw my passport flies out the window and lands face up on the sidewalk unscathed >mfw chad owes me $10
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