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Dr. Livesey - To you, GUH and OARGH mean the same thing

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Juicydeath1025 Moderator

in reply to Quiet_boi

Okay, I never told you how painful the 5MB limit is for this site. I know why it probably existed back in the early days of KYM, but, what I don't get is, why has that size limit not increased at all? It just bothers me when I try to download a video from YouTube or Twitter and then when I convert it to a GIF, the file size comes out on average of 20MB (Biggest one I got was 65MB.), which leads me to figure, "How am I supposed to make this file smaller without losing the quality of it?" I mean it probably doesn't help that I want the best HD quality of everything I upload, but that's just me doing my part.

Anyways, getting back to topic, when I was doing all this, I was listening to the video loop with sound for, I have no idea, probably 15-20 minutes.


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