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If you absolutely need to share skin colour with someone to connect with them, or feel sympathy for their plight, then there's very likely something wrong on your end. You can look up to anyone you want, regardless of how different they are from you.


Dude, I had a "literally me" reaction to Miles Morales and I'm neither Black, Puerto Rican or a New Yorker, if you let skin color get in the way of enjoying a fictional character, that's your problem. (Outside of lazy race-swaps done for the sake of empty corporate virtue signaling and to hand-waive away all criticism of the end product with the usual accusations, of course, even then it's not really a product with the character's skin color and more of having a problem with modern corporate media culture and their obsession with pandering to Twitter nutjobs that probably think Malcom X deserved to get shot by the NOI.)


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