Every time I see that fucking dagger | /r/FreeFolk
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Oct 09, 2022 at 02:27AM EDT
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Rhaenyra has been mentioned only twice in the main ASOIAF books. Which way Freefolks? Do we follow a noted scholar of law like Stannis or a simp like Ser Arys? | /r/FreeFolk
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People on r/asoiaf seemed to like this; How many Targaryen's were there on any given year? | /r/FreeFolk
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Saw another post about the size of Vhagar. Found this illustration, thought it was interesting. | /r/FreeFolk
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Cat watching from the 7 hells as Jon makes it his priority to take care of Sansa, Bran and Arya once they’re reunited | /r/FreeFolk
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/r/freefolk - Every time I see that fucking dagger | /r/FreeFolk
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