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The stormtrooper on the right stole everyone's kneecaps and put them on his left knee. His left hand is a country fried steak and his right hand is a set of barbicue ribs holding a pencil blaster. His right leg is the result of cheating leg day by cooking it in a fry pit, leaving his knee soggy and disjointed. It would seem he had a lizard for a father and a werewolf for a mother. If his left foot was any longer, he'd need to register it as a new territory.

The guy on the left has ig88 for a right hand, and since his own left hand is too fucked up to work properly he has a backup arm installed at his waist so he can take a proper piss. It's hard to do that when he's got steel rebar imbeeded in his right leg though.

The pillar in the background is slowly gaining sentience in the form of a clone trooper.


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