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MRW people get all upset because they expect stories to have emotionally fulfilling endings. | /r/Fr...
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Mar 15, 2023 at 10:24PM EDT
freefolk /r/freefolk game of thrones game of thrones memes freefolk memes reddit /r/freefolk memes got got memes
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I think Lysa Arryns death really signifies the fact that she got pushed through a giant hole. Bravo George | /r/FreeFolk
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why didn't drogon just use his drogonic powers to bring her back to life? is he stupid? | /r/FreeFolk
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My face when I found out that they filmed scenes of Tormund and Brienne for the finale but they cut them in favour of Tyrion rearranging chairs./- | /r/FreeFolk
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/r/freefolk - MRW people get all upset because they expect stories to have emotionally fulfilling endings. | /r/Fr...
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