Hear Me Out | /r/grimdank
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Mar 21, 2024 at 02:40PM EDT
r/grimdank warhammer 40000 warhammer 40k reddit grim dank warhammer memes 40k meme games workshop
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Reminder that the imperium needed a reinforcement of hundreds of thousands of primaris marines just to keep losing. | /r/grimdank
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Alternatively I've got "I'm divorcing my tyrant primarch and opening a bakery on big chunk of Cadia" | /r/grimdank
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Magnus has so many parallels to Odin that I'm surprised it didn't happen to begin with | /r/grimdank
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Rob's Burgers - Featuring Robby G, his brother, his space elf wife and "Big Jim" the Space Emperor | /r/grimdank
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