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Furries / Furry - Swatt Kats was canceled "officially" for being "too violent." and not at all for Callie haunting Ted...

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in reply to Quiet_boi

Everyone knew, even if he didn't say it. Family guy poked fun at it. Actually I wanted to post a hilarious comic of Callie and Ted but can't upload due to cat girl nips. Search this reddit thread to find it.

I explain to young kids nowadays that he was the Elon Musk of the late 20th century. Autistic, rich, controlled much of your news and a closet furry.


in reply to Quiet_boi

Apparently a new season should debut on Netflix this year, Swat Kats Revolution
However, with kick-stater funded stuff that this with a grain of salt. If I was the team behind it I would make sure this time to premiere the series with a released toy line. That's how Ted torpedoed the og series
I mean they can make millions if they release certain figurinesโ€ฆ. I heard the clientele that would purchase said items are suspiciously wealthy.


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