The Imperium has some genuinely good people, but none of them are primarchs | /r/grimdank
Uploaded by Reddit Moments May 22, 2024 at 09:21PM EDT
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Blue Bobby won the Smart Good spot today! Which brings us to Chaotic Good. As usual, the most upvoted suggestion wins! | /r/grimdank
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Is Farsight anime enough to slice in mid-air a nuke thrown at him by Liberty Prime? | /r/grimdank
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Unless there’s a tournament, I just can’t bring myself to put paint to brush. | /r/grimdank
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What ze fuck are these "GFs" you simpletons keep talking about? Not even beloved knows! | /r/grimdank
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Warhammer 40,000 - The Imperium has some genuinely good people, but none of them are primarchs | /r/grimdank
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