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Crossover - The Lovecraftian creature making its arrival

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A big problem with Bill Cypher is that he got bested like thrice by a bunch of children and ultimately lost to an old man, he did defeat some higher beings but that still doesn't mean he can beat Kirby
I get that people don't take the God slaying shit with Kirby that seriously anymore but Kirby would still beat the shit out of Bill Cypher.

(Also, to whoever designed the new UI, please fucking fix it. I had to write this comment in a notepad because for some reason whenever I type in the comment box it sometimes stops typing letters and instead activates the keyboard shortcuts instead. I personally do not mind the changes even if some of it is disagreeable to a major extent, but I would appreciate it that if you are going to change the UI of the site, at least make sure it's all functional and doesn't cause annoyances like this.)


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