(That they have to deal with) | /r/grimdank
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Sep 13, 2024 at 04:00PM EDT
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Big shout out to carnifex #696969 for going beyond the impossible to defeat an helmetless ultramarine character in SINGLE COMBAT | /r/grimdank
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A friend of mine was using speech to text when talking about Space Marines 2… inspired by the spellcheck, give you, Space Maureen | /r/grimdank
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Turns out, they don't just 'teleport'; they make miniature Warp jumps, because nothing can ever be done the easy way in 40K. | /r/grimdank
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Okay but for real though, he’s not a psyker, he’s not a pariah, and he’s not religious- how the HELL did Titus tank this stuff in Space Marine 1? | /r/grimdank
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Warhammer 40,000 - (That they have to deal with) | /r/grimdank
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