- 11 Years Ago, 'Tyler, The Creator's Mugshot Went Viral
- The 'Shamefur Dispray' Meme Is 14 Years Old Today
- Nobody Is Ever Holding Back In The Third Panel Of This Meme
- A Stan Lee Documentary Claiming To Expose The Exploitation He Faced In His Last Years Is Raising Eyebrows
- Celebrate One Of Willem Dafoe's Best Quotes On Its Meme Anniversary
The Original
Uploaded by captnotatroll Jul 19, 2012 at 03:57AM EDT
bulbasaur ivysaur venusaur charmander charmeleon charizard squirtle wartortle blastoise caterpie metapod butterfree weedle kakuna beedrill pidgey rattata ekans arbok pikachu raichu nidoran clefairy jigglypuff wigglytuff zubat golbat oddish gloom vileplume venomoth diglett dugtrio meowth persian psyduck poliwag poliwhirl poliwrath bellsprout weepinbell victreebel tentacool tentacruel ponyta rapidash slowpoke slowbro magneton farfetch'd grimer gastly onix krabby voltorb cubone hitmonlee hitmonchan lickitung tangela horsea staryu starmie mr. mime jynx tauros lapras ditto eevee omanyte omastar kabuto mewtwo mew
Origin Entry: Pokemon According to My Dad
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