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Señor Kings
Señor Kings

This one is absolute genius, yet at the same time flawed in my opinion, because if he places either 1st or last, he is simultaneously the luckiest and unluckiest of all the contestants.

If he places 1st, then he is technically, by the definition of a contest, the individual with the most bad luck out of the other contestants. However, placing 1st would make him the winner of the contest and simultaneously make him the luckiest of all the contestants.

Now if he places last, that means he is so unlucky that he can’t even get 1st place for a contest in which he should be getting 1st place. However, placing last in a bad luck contest implies having the least bad luck of all the contestants.

Placing Nth would result in the same amount of net luck as placing first or last.

In the end though, all contestants would score equally no matter what they place, and thus resulting in no winner or loser (or all winners and all losers). So it would seem that all contestants are Bad Luck Brians and at the same time they're not. This just goes to show that he exists in a quantum state and that his luck is so bad that somebody had to come up with this hypothetical scenario just to show how extraordinarily bad his luck really is in getting involved in such a confusing paradoxical contest.


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