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Eevee - Image #641,569

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First off, I laughed harder than I should have. So much in fact my room mate woke up and asked just what was so fucking funny. Him being a non gamer was promptly told to stfu and go back to bed.

Anywhore, back to more important matters.

The reason I laughed so hard was two fold.

First, if I remember correctly, Fairy types are resistant to Dark type moves, but they're not super effective against them. (Just got back into Pokemon, last one I played was Red/Yellow)

So Sylveon evolves when you max out the pokemon affection via Amie and level up Eevee while it has a Fairy type move.

Umbreon evolves when you max out friendship level, which is different from affection levels and you level up Eevee at night.

So that knowledge right there tells me that the male Eevee had high affection towards it mate and evolved into Sylveon, but the female Eevee ended up evolving into Umbreon.

The Sylveon was not only friend zoned almost immediately after finishing a roll in bed, but his mate evolved into a form that essentially tells him that his "Bed CQC" is not very effective.

Jesus re-reading that now makes me sound like a huge fucking nerd!


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