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Cringe - Half of those aren't even fedoras

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I might be risking downvotes and their execution might be bad but I have to say it:
They're RIGHT!
It IS dumb to bash people for wearing a specific kind of hat. And yes a number of the people being laughed at DO look dumb and no, I'm not saying you're wrong for not liking that but they've gotten so fixated on the bloody hat that they've created this ridiculous template/stereotype in their head that, like so many other stereotypes (nearly all of them in fact) might be based on something real and have plenty of examples should you care to cherry-pick them but ISN'T ACTUALLY TRUE. And quite frankly, the way they lose their shit over a bloody hat is far more cringeworthy than most of the hat's misuses now.
Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.


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