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771 Views Created 10 years ago By Stormwatch • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Stormwatch • Updated 6 years ago

E File: 1394159996245.ipg-(3 KB, 160x90, Braeburnez luv.jpg) Braeburn is love, Braeburn is life pennypenguin 03/06/14(Thu)23:39 UTC-3 No.16644641 >l was only 9 years old >I loved Braeburn so much, I had all the merchandise and p--- >I pray to Braeburn every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given >"Braeburn is love" say; "Braeburn is life" >My dad hears me and calls me a f----- know he was just jealous of my devotion for Braeburn called him a c--- >He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep >I'm crying now, and my face hurts >I lay in bed and it's really cold >Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me lt's Braeburn >l am so happy He whispers into my ear "This is my pie.'" >He grabs me with his powerful horse hooves and puts me down onto my hands and knees >I'm ready >l spread my ass-cheeks for Braeburn >He penetrates my butt-hole lt hurts so much but I do it for Braeburn >l can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water push against his force want to please Braeburn >He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love >My dad walks in >Braeburn looks him straight in the eyes and says "It's all over now partner." >Braeburn leaves through my window >Braeburn is love. Braeburn is life


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