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S1MP50N (local AFOL)
S1MP50N (local AFOL)

in reply to cartridge88

This is based of a storyline from the 4 issue DC vs Marvel comic that came out in the 90s. This was part of the spin off Amalgam Comics in which characters from both publishers were marched together for one issue stories (Batman + Wolverine = Dark Claw, Superman + Captain America = Super Solder, etc.) There were 24 comics made in total, half by DC the other half by Marvel. You can find digital copies floating around online if you know where to look.

"Spider-Boy," the character in this image is a merger of Spider-Man and Superboy. At the time the comic was written Superboy was DC's popular wise crackin' teen character, if the story had been written now I could totally see Spider-Man + Nightwing happing. Nightwing does show up merged with Moonnight (dubbed Moonwing, they weren't trying too hard) as a minor SHIELD agent alongside Bruce Wayne who took on the role of Nick Fury as the head of SHIELD.


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