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Wait, Celestia earned it?

So not only was she apparently not born a demigod, but following that logic, then Twilight will eventually become all ageless and ethereal like her as well. Great. The one time I make a headcanon…

And also, if ruler equates to Alicorn, like the panel implies, then where the hell are Sombra’s wings?

Admiral Ackbar
Admiral Ackbar

This was kind of confusing, I gotta say. I mean, I guess one could assume that by "earn it" when Sombra speaks about Celestia would be referring to their right to lead all three pony tribes rather than any alicorn spell. I'm still not entirely sure they were actually official "princesses" during Discord's reign, and may have only become rulers after he was defeated. However, they were clearly alicorns in the flashback we saw in the show from what I remember.

I'm still holding onto the headcanon that Celestia and Luna were magically born alicorns, (possibly as a way to counteract Discord) with Twilight and Cadence being "artificial" alicorns created through a spell. This would explain why Twilight and Cadence can apparently age, while Celestia and Luna don't.

That doesn't quite explain how Sombra has lived so long though, unless he became immortal through a spell sometime later.


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