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GamerGate - New Statesman Confirms The Use Of Chat Bots Against GamerGate

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Seriously? Is this guy serious?

Ok so it's obvious this article is another moronic piece where the author does not do actual research, since he believes GG consists of only a small group of entirely white males and misogyny this and that.

What makes this real disgusting is the fact that he not only confirms the use of Twitter bots used against GG, but actually PROMOTES it.

That, and the fact that he also ignores the evidence the GG supporters tweeted when trying to talk to the bot.

He had the opportunity to look into our side, to see our argument, but he chose to ignore them and make this baseless article instead.

He has absolutely no excuse for ignoring evidence.

Degrassi Knole
Degrassi Knole

This might work in our favor.

Every tweet he posted was polite and explanatory, and with no "fuck offs" coming from either side, the tweeters were able to express how they actually felt.

I'm betting this will open at least one person's eyes.


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