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GamerGate - In Regards to Escapist's GamerGate Thread Lock

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in reply to adregun

Well, pretty much all forums have groups like that whether they're on the forum in question or a skype group. I mean they're a moderator team on a forum. That isn't surprising. I'm not saying such a team can't collude against a user or users, I'm just saying the fact that there's such a group doesn't mean a banned user is being teamed up on.

Had a bit of experience with someone I know on another forum repeatedly and intentionally skirting the line of rules on the forum, and doing things that while not against the rules clearly was an inconvenient annoyance to the mods. Every time they got an infraction or ban they'd whine to everyone else that they didn't do anything and the mods/admins were just teaming up on them when I had watched them pretty much poking the mods with their behavior and spouting crap about why the mods banned them…in a skype chat the mods of that forum were also in.

My end point being, take this with a grain of salt. I'm sure that group exists, but that doesn't mean its for anything sinister.


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