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'_We'll just keep changing definitions of all the words to suit our agenda and our arguments_.'

Arguing with any random AGG is quite literally the same as arguing with a child. An argument with a child cannot be won, because a child has not developed a rational thought process. A child will lie and change definitions so as not to be 'wrong'. That's why adults have to treat a child like a … child.

Most children eventually grow up and learn through their parents and their own life experiences. They develop their beliefs and thoughts, and eventually become a full-on adult with independent thought and actions.

And then there's the typical SJW/AGG. Still a child.

No consequences to their words or actions. No real life experiences. Never wrong, even in the face of clear evidence and facts that say otherwise. Mommy, Daddy – someone has always bailed them out and enabled them. Just like a child, facts don't matter – only being right matters.

You wonder how they can make so many careless mistakes and speak so recklessly? We're fighting children. Children who will never grow or learn.


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