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in reply to Bookie

Part 2

/pol/ doesn’t get that this is total war, and in total war you don’t reject a plan because “it takes too long”, “it’s indirect”, or “it’s ideologically incorrect”.

You don’t want to take out enemy figureheads, you want to take out the enemies ability to wage war.

An enemy that is ignorant of your resources, tactics, goals, and knowledge is a good enemy. An enemy that is too arrogant to consider you a real threat is a good enemy. An enemy that alienates neutrals & then assumes the neutrals are on your side is a good enemy.

We want SOCJUS to be willfully blind to the situation, firmly convinced of their own infallibility, and believing that anyone that doesn’t agree with them 100% of the way is part of us.

That’s why we care about PR, because if a person is forced to choose between the side that fights for truth, freedom, & starving orphans and the side that fights for hate, slavery & kicking puppies, it’s not hard to figure out which side they’re going to join.

And SOCJUS inability to handle someone not in lockstep with them means that neutrals will be forced to choose a side.


[Note: Copy-Pasting from the article comments]

Part 1

And this is why I don’t like /pol/.

You people just figured this out now?

And you’re missing the most important factor, competence.

It doesn’t matter how much will to fight you have if you keep mounting frontal charges, no matter how suicidal.
It doesn’t matter how may resources you have if you keep blowing them on pointless shit & buying in the most inefficient way possible.

As for the rest:

We have far more will to fight then SJWs, do you think they’re fighting for anything they love? Do you think they’ve ever had to deal with powerlessness and hard choices? Do you think they have comradery and friendship with each other?

And your timeline? Phil Fish cut and ran in early September, our will to fight, our resources, & our competence has grown immensely since then.

Gawker was a waste of time? 7 figures & we’ve only gotten more devoted to crushing them.

What are you suggesting we do? Do you have a victory scenario that doesn’t involve Gawker being crushed into dust?


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