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"Of course this victimhood has evidence," said the traveling salesman, "But 'tis invisible to those who are the oppressors!"
"I am no oppressor!" snapped back the empress. "I can see the evidence now, it is quite apparent!"
And thus, the empress paraded her new victimhood around the town, showing it off to her SJW subjects. Rumor had spread quickly through the town of her new victimhood, its evidence apparent to any who was progressive and just, and wishing not to be called the oppressors, they complimented her on the obviousness of the evidence and the lovely fashion of her new victimhood. It was then that the child, no more than five years of age, spoke.
"The empress has no evidence!" he exclaimed. "She wears her victimhood unjustly!"
A hush fell over the crowd of SJWs. Truly, a child would not lie, the words began to spread. Collectively, they turned their gaze toward the empress, as the pieces began to fall into place. Quickly, she retorted.
"He is but a white male! Now you can see how deep our oppression runs, that such a young child could be brainwashed in such a fashion!" She smiled broadly at her assertion, knowing the inevitable result.
"Yeah, how dare you attack her like that!"
"Go kill yourself, you cishet shitlord!"
"It's because of fucks like you that there are no women in monarchy!"
And the crowd stoned the child to death.


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