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in reply to Tentacles

Tim Schafer asked for $400k to make a game (Broken Age). He got like $4 million, and only made half of it, so he put the finished half up on Steam Early Access to get more funding. Roughly 10 times as much money as he initially asked for, and yet he still had to ask for more. He also canceled another early access game that prior had already paid for because he needed the money for Broken Age, and he’s doing “safe” nostalgia pandering projects like porting Grim Fandango and Day if the Tentacle to modern platforms because he still apparently needs more money for Broken Age.

In short, Tim Schafer is a train wreck when you give him lots money and no supervision. He even hired Phil Fish to be a DJ at a $100k party that he the for his developer friends.


in reply to Timstuff

not only that there's a game made by double fine known as spacebase DF-9, back then it was early access, wanna know what happened? tim schafer removed the early access part, changed it to a full game as a 1.0 version, gave away the source code so modders have to implement new features by themselves and called it a day. The reason? lack of money
fun fact: tim schafer is an anagram for mr shitface


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