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head canon frome picture
Freddy "the bear" owner that will to do literally anything to make money and keep his childrens pizza place going;some say he doesn't ask enough questions about his employees and seems able to cover up anything

Bonney aka "Bunny" practically raised by Freddy some say his eagerness to please might stem from that or the (alleged) beatings; he got his nickname when he was young a drunk Freddy could help but slur his speech

Chica "the cannibal" its said she makes the best pizza she contributes it to "using only the freshest ingredients" which may explain why with her reputation five children were reported missing while she was working

Foxy "the pirate" once found standing over a dead child but Freddy was able to take care of things after he agreed to keep entertaining children with his stories everyone thinks he's the only sane one though he does lock himself up every night

Freddy's twin brother said to be even more reckless than Freddy himself when trying to make a quick buck; he loved Chica and would help her in the kitchen some say Freddy killed him over this long ago but if he did no one is letting on not even his brother


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