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Paper Jam Dipper
Paper Jam Dipper

in reply to CrashGordon94

Look, I'm just really tired of seeing people bash Nick all the time (often unfairly), and then he showed up, and then I saw all the commenters just agree with whatever he says and not daring to question him. It was basically the straw that broke the camel's back. I just don't know what to do… I'm tired of being ashamed for having a different opinion, and I'm tired of people thinking the majority opinion is a fact.


That's funny, because there are a number of negative comments with a significant number of upvotes.
Wanna know what the key is? Being rational, trying your best to keep calm and explaining yourself reasonably. When someone brings up a valid point, they're fairly receptive. They're not calling out your posts (and other brainless rage-boner ones) because you don't like Mr Enter, they're calling out because you're behaving like a nimrod about it. And that's nothing unique.
Post brainless hateful nonsense about MLP in the MLP entry, see what happens.
Post brainless hateful nonsense about Frozen in the Frozen entry, see what happens.
Post brainless hateful nonsense about Touhou in the Touhou entry, see what happens.
Post brainless hateful nonsense about Warhammer 40000 in the Warhammer 40000 entry, see what happens.
In all cases you would get downvoted, not because the fans are as a whole mindless intolerant drones, but because of your behavior, and yeah they're probably not gonna like it if you're a complete twat about something they like. That doesn't make them "butthurt autist retards", that's just the inevitable result of that sort of behavior.

Basically, the problem is not with your opinion. It's with your attitude and your borderline-obsessive behavior while making few actual points.


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