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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

Yeah I always hated that "aren't you too old for _____?" mentality, especially when it comes to things clearly made for EVERYONE. Sadly this is still a common thing anti-Nintendo fanboys still do to this day, pretending that games like Eternal Darkness, Bayonetta 2, the Metroid Prime series, and more never existed.

And seriously screw anyone who honestly believes a game's age rating denotes how "good" a game is. A game can be rated M and be as violent, sexual, and vulgar as can be, but that doesn't automatically make it good (Postal 3 anyone? Even Running With Scissors has disowned that game). This is almost literally a "12 year old mentality," a kid/pre-teen wrongly thinking that liking something meant "for adults" and insulting anyone who likes E rated games will make them seem more mature in the eyes of their peers.


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