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GamerGate - The New Narrative. SJWs declare gaming has "finally grown up"

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in reply to Black Graphic T

All we have to do is point out their lies, as usual. They can’t advance either way. They’re going to try to weave lies into this new narrative.

besides, this isn’t our line, it’s theirs. All we want is the end of corruption, they’re just trying a different tactic to promote it. And it won’t work, because they’ll make the same mistakes and are the same corrupted people you already know. you can count on that.

They don’t have the same intentions. this is simply a sign that they are breaking at the seams in desperation. SJWs are going to jump ship soon.

Games have always been like this. all we have to do is point out the sheer hypocrisy, too. get some popcorn.

Black Graphic T
Black Graphic T

So the gamergate line and the sjw line have both become the same line because game journos changed their line because the old line was really dumb but now we have to stand against the new line because the new line is the fake line and the real line must be drawn…somewhere.

Where is the line? Is there even a line?

I miss the Dorito Days. At least then we could all agree game journalist were full of shit without getting swarmed by angry sjw's and gator supporters.


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