140 Views Created May 19th, 2015 by The Gaming Ground • Updated March 23rd, 2023

Created May 19th, 2015 by The Gaming Ground • Updated March 23rd, 2023

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Roccat Ryos TkL Pro Gaming keyboard review


O.J has had great pleasure to try out (and review) Roccat´s Gaming keyboard Ryos TkL Pro for over a month´s time now. And O.J has played everything from "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive", Battlefield 4, "The Elder scrolls online, "Diablo 3" to "Fallout 3: New Vegas".

And he freaking LOVE the Ryos TkL Pro Gaming keyboard.


O.J has had great pleasure to try out (and review) Roccat´s Gaming keyboard Ryos TkL Pro for over a month´s time now. And O.J has played everything from "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive", Battlefield 4, "The Elder scrolls online, "Diablo 3" to "Fallout 3: New Vegas".

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