1290 Views • Created May 21, 2020 By twizz_fizz • Updated May 23, 2020 Share →
Created By twizz_fizz • Updated May 23, 2020
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.TwizzFizz's take on this whole drama feud between gnome and cough man
Sauce: @Twizz_Fizz -Twitter
Honestly, I really dislike this whole feud between these two.
F--- Keem. F--- H3H3.
I really hate how Etika was used for their petty debate over who looks bad while trying to justify their actions forward and back. I get that each other has dirt, but either that's already known or it's been out there since last year. As well how this gave people an idea to just cancel each other by just DMing sponsors to stop sponsoring someone over an internet argument.
Anyway, just tired of seeing two grown men get so p----- at each other just end this already. As well fans saying there are sides to who you support on Twitter while getting into fights about it. As if being a centrist or not picking sides isn't an option.
BIG youtubers have a BIG argument https://t.co/zgwmNyHeC3
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