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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted 10 years ago. Added 11 years ago
9943 posts from 165 users

xTSGx wrote:

@Breaking Bad

Never seen it. Or The Walking Dead. Or Game of Thrones. Or Mad Men. I tried watching Fringe's pilot one day when I was eating pizza, got to the scene where the pilot's face/jaw melts off, and went "there goes that appetite".

Fanfics have consumed my soul.

In horrifying news, those creepy Uncanny Valley/Eldrich Abomination doll things now have a video.

I swear, they're at least ten times as creepy when they move. And where are my gifs? How can I horrify my Fimfiction followers without gifs of them shifting their gaze into the camera rapidly like that Fluttershy and Dash one?

You know, back when I was a kid I got to take a picture with a guy in the original Green Ranger costume. Still have the picture somewhere and you can see that costume is pretty legit. Needless to say after seeing that costume I didn't have the same terrified look on my face as the little girls did. What they should've done is just got some of those women who want to be Cinderella at Disney Land, give them a wig, paint their faces and say "It's Twilight Sparkle!" you know, instead of getting some men in Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie costumes (coulda at least had the common decency to put them in Rainbow Dash and Applejack costumes too.)
Tl;DR My childhood will have had much less nightmares than these girls will.

@Birthday game. Oh boy I save Celestia from a crazy Psychopath…..that damn bitch probably set it up.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

@Yet another birthday game

Month: X gives you a lap dance

Mmm do I now? I like where this is goi-

Day: Applebloom



NO!…screw this. This birthday game sucks. Why couldn't Lyra be on the 3rd?

I laugh at your misfortune.

By the way, here's a quick screenshot of Random and Mark's coasters in Pony General World.

I call this part the Double Penetration.

This just in, many innocent park goers were decapitated today as they attempted to ride the Double Penetration™ The man who designed it forgot about the fact that one ride went THROUGH the other ride and the entrance wasn't wide enough. Still not as bad as last year's incident on the Kewln00b ride.

vintiezre wrote:

Haha, apparently I'm going to start a rock band with Gilda. What "fun".

@MZTV Equestria Girls

Page Get By the way.

Fire and burning thread?

Well, maybe not.

EDIT: Cool coaster, looks neat!

Last edited 11 years ago

UnKewln00b wrote:

This just in, many innocent park goers were decapitated today as they attempted to ride the Double Penetration™ The man who designed it forgot about the fact that one ride went THROUGH the other ride and the entrance wasn't wide enough. Still not as bad as last year's incident on the Kewln00b ride.

Nope. The clearance is twelve feet. Riders on Mark's Mega Mindboggler Machine do have to be under 6'6" to ride, though. The wooden coaster is called The Random Coaster.

@Birthday game

Best Friends with Big Mac

I guess this is like the indifferent option. You don't get happy endings but you don't get fucked or Chris Hanson'd either, you just get a cool bro to hang out with.

@Breaking Bad

Dunno, for some reason I never started watching it even though it looks interesting to me. Some friends of mine have been recommending it to me as well. Maybe I'll watch it someday, like I've been saying for months now ;_;

@EqG Video

I watched a part with sound off but those faces are just way too weird. It's like the MLP fandom now has their own Mikudayo.

Only difference that Mikudayo is fucking boss.

Jimmy Lethal wrote:

By the way, here’s a quick screenshot of Random and Mark’s coasters in Pony General World.

Since when do we have a rollercoaster in a Rollercoaster Tycoon world I just now hear of? How can this possibly end well? Why did you never ask for this? How can you guarantee me this will become a succes? How should I not lock this thread right now and ban you on the spot? Why do I not want to live on this planet anymore?

I call this part the Double Penetration.

You truly reach out to us bro. Carry on.

Last edited 11 years ago

@Breaking Bad

When first mentioning it I didn't want to over-sell and just fan-girl a bit, since I do already promote Doctor Who a lot as it is (however I think my username gives me the justification to do so..) But since others have mentioned it, it is a great show that will make you feel a bag of different emotions simultaneously.. The only problem is when you like Breaking Bad it's impossible to reference anything in it since your constantly afraid you might accidentally give away a spoiler.

@Creepy Equestria Girls costumes

Honestly if Hasbro wants to do a children meet human ponies in costumes then they should just take a note from the fandom.. Similar to what Disneyland do with the Princesses.


Everyone's reaction to those creepy costumes in a nutshell:

@Birthday game: Anywhere I go Celestia will be watching. I'm okay with this

EDIT: Here is the future of MLP: Friendship is magic:


Last edited 11 years ago

Iamslow wrote:

mlp manga is fucking adorable

Oh is that the official one? MLP were talking about that before.
So much shitstorm awaits for /a/

Good very good..

Also sauce please!


@MZTV – Equestria Girls

Oooookaaayyy.. I don't understand why didn't they go on with some skin paint and costumes. And yeah.. What the hell is wrong with that masks? Seriously
At least "Mikudayo" looks like "Mikudayo".

This is a weeaboo thread now!

Last edited 11 years ago

@MLP Manga

I hardly noticed the difference, it looks more or less like what you expect from the show. Just slightly… Not constrained by flash assets.

On the other hand…


It looks wrong is all I'm saying.

Twilight looks okay though.

@Equestria Girls Stage Costumes.

Not even going to look… I'm over reactive by nature and if I look, I will wake the *neigh*bors.

… Why did I emphasize that pun?

Last edited 11 years ago

mfw reading the rest of it

Maaann that manga is probably published for little girls (so ironic). Even incredibly cute (like the show), it doesn't includes any plot or…


>last page
>Rarara surrounded by some black magic

Oh wait again..

Looks like a preview of the english comic is included with their manga.

Last edited 11 years ago

@Manga: Meanwhile, in Japan…

@Pony General World: The layout for The Random Coaster was inspired by Blue Streak at Cedar Point.

As for Mark's Mega Mindboggler Machine, it was loosely based on Bizarro at Six Flags Great Adventure. I say "loosely" because while the layouts are different, MMMM has all the elements of Bizarro. (This is a picture from when it was known as Medusa.)

Zombies have been done to death (rimshot) so I'll probably never watch The Walking Dead, 60's advertising doesn't appeal to me so there goes Mad Men, and I don't like seeing naked people or heads getting chopped off so I won't touch Game of Thrones (it helps that it's author, George R R Martin is severely anti-fanfiction, so I already don't like him). I'll probably give Breaking Bad a chance at some point though.

Jimmy Lethal said:

I call it "Getting your head and upper torso chopped off by the support beams".

@Pony Manga

The internationally popular anime becomes a manga for the first time!

I know "anime" is a term for all animation in Japan, but it's still so weird seeing it called that. I keep on expecting giant robots or secret spy organizations that will destroy an entire city to keep Equestria's "Void Century" hidden.

inb4 it gets a proper anime, FUNimation picks up the rights, and we get Chris Sabat voicing Luna.

xTSGx wrote:

Zombies have been done to death (rimshot) so I'll probably never watch The Walking Dead, 60's advertising doesn't appeal to me so there goes Mad Men, and I don't like seeing naked people or heads getting chopped off so I won't touch Game of Thrones (it helps that it's author, George R R Martin is severely anti-fanfiction, so I already don't like him). I'll probably give Breaking Bad a chance at some point though.

Jimmy Lethal said:

I call it "Getting your head and upper torso chopped off by the support beams".

@Pony Manga

The internationally popular anime becomes a manga for the first time!

I know "anime" is a term for all animation in Japan, but it's still so weird seeing it called that. I keep on expecting giant robots or secret spy organizations that will destroy an entire city to keep Equestria's "Void Century" hidden.

inb4 it gets a proper anime, FUNimation picks up the rights, and we get Chris Sabat voicing Luna.

Honestly, I agree with you on zombies mostly. Still ocassionally fun but I don't like the topic nearly as much as some do. As for Game Of Thrones, which is more highly recommended by my family/friends, it sounds solid but too dark for me.

@Shows Wanna check out Game of Thrones. Mainly because Comcast keeps telling us that if we cancel HBO we'll be paying more money for less content so we have HBO till the end so I might as well watch it. As for Mad Men….Fuck that show, they keep taking the budget away from the Walking Dead (aka a show that NEEDS a budget) and give it all to this show, it's because of this show that the first season of Walking Dead is great, Second Season sucks ass, and half of Season 3 sucks, I can't WAIT Till Mad Men gets canceled. For Walking Dead, I'm a fan of the Comics and the show, I don't even think you HAVE to be a fan of zombies to like this show as my two sisters (one is terrified of anything involving eyeballs, and disembowelment, while the other just plain thinks zombies suck), my girlfriend and mother (both can't stand the sight of gore), and my brother (who also thinks Zombies, ESPECIALLY slow moving zombies like in Walking Dead are too played out and sucks) all watch the show and enjoy it.

@Rollercoasters. If I ever go back to playing Rollercoaster Tycoon I'll make the Kewln00b Coaster. It's essentially a ride that has one car going much faster than the other, will you survive or die? You'll never know.

@weeaboo thread. Nope Alex Mercer-San.

@Ponies in Space. Holy shit, that was actually one of my suggestions for a future season of MLP! Can we get Season 6 as PONIES ON MOTORCYCLES?!

@Randomman. The more and more I talk with Randomman online the less I want to meet him in real life. Not because I don't like Randomman, it's the fact that if I met him in real life and found out he's NOT a rabbit smoking a cigar I'd be very disappointed and would probably question everything in life.

@MLP Manga

Honestly I always saw MLP as being very similar to Chibi Anime anyway.. I mean I wouldn't class it as that for many technical reasons but when thinking of the show I consider the similar themes, but if there is official MLP Manga or Anime that actually has a good storyline then who wouldn't be into that? Nothing bad can come from Anime and MLP mixing..


Dr Whooves wrote:

@MLP Manga

Honestly I always saw MLP as being very similar to Chibi Anime anyway.. I mean I wouldn't class it as that for many technical reasons but when thinking of the show I consider the similar themes, but if there is official MLP Manga or Anime that actually has a good storyline then who wouldn't be into that? Nothing bad can come from Anime and MLP mixing..


Ouch. I don't think ponies have an ankle joint there.

In other news…
I was browsing FIMFiction and I accidentally found
. I never knew someone can beat Fallout Equestria and Project Horizons.


I can't help but think that either.

Somebody horribly snapped and elongated her leg bones then removed most of her ankle structure between the knee and toe. Who could have done such disgusting surgery?

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


I can't help but think that either.

Somebody horribly snapped and elongated her leg bones then removed most of her ankle structure between the knee and toe. Who could have done such disgusting surgery?

>implying mlp:fim uses realistic equine anatomy.

General Grievous wrote:

In other news…
I was browsing FIMFiction and I accidentally found
. I never knew someone can beat Fallout Equestria and Project Horizons.

90 chapters and still going?! O_o

As much as the leg issue might bother some of you, at least she's not a disembodied head:

General Grievous wrote:

In other news…
I was browsing FIMFiction and I accidentally found
. I never knew someone can beat Fallout Equestria and Project Horizons.


I actually read through all of Fallout Equestria (~600,000 words), and I'm currently over 200,000 words into my second reading. I read everything from The End of Ponies (527,000 words) back when that was still updating (I can't recommend that fic enough). And yet, if you add up the total word count from both of those, it's still less than that fic. I can't imagine what could possibly happen in that story to warrant that many words. There aren't even that many words in the entire Harry Potter series.

I'm tempted to try reading it just to see if I can manage to get through it. It's a shame that it's a human in Equestria fic though. My policy is to avoid those on principle. It's not that they can't be done well – it's just that the vast majority are trash.

And on this topic, has anyone actually read much of Project Horizons? Some people say it's even better than Fallout Equestria, but I couldn't get past the second chapter. I don't know if it's been reworked since the last time I gave it a shot, but it seemed to be terribly written to me. Does it get better as it goes or something?

@Celestia's Anatomy: I think that's a fully functional joint. If you look at Pony Creator, you can move the ankle/hoof in the pose mode. Oh, sure, you can go ahead and break it even without unchecking Constrict Rotations, but it's still functional. My guess is that it's a functional joint that represents the wrists/ankles, but ponies can only bend it so far.

I'm going to be honest, when a fanfic exceeds 600k words and I barely saw it, I highly doubt that I'll read it.

Last edited 11 years ago

I'm going to be honest, I don't read fanfics in general. Haven't done something like that since I was still in teh Highschools….early in teh Highschools. But no seriously, there's just something about fanfiction that has just been bugging me over the years. Don't know exactly what it is.

@ Ankle Joints

This doesn't look healthy either…

@ Alex Mercer Below
I'm not sure she's a horse, per se, as she resembles a pony more than a horse. But you may be right!

So what is Celestia exactly? An oversized pony? A taller-than-average horse? Something I haven't mentioned!? It's a mystery I'm gonna solve!

Done! She's an oversized pony!

Anyone have a counter proposal?

So here's another one I want to bring up.

Look at this sudden transition from medieval to industrial to modern technology. If this is possible, what if the ponies have future technology that we don't even know about (or might, but have overlooked.)?

Last edited 11 years ago

Laud "The Bear Jew" Piestrings wrote:

@ Ankle Joints

This doesn't look healthy either…

@ Alex Mercer Below
I'm not sure she's a horse, per se, as she resembles a pony more than a horse. But you may be right!

So what is Celestia exactly? An oversized pony? A taller-than-average horse? Something I haven't mentioned!? It's a mystery I'm gonna solve!

Done! She's an oversized pony!

Anyone have a counter proposal?

So here's another one I want to bring up.

Look at this sudden transition from medieval to industrial to modern technology. If this is possible, what if the ponies have future technology that we don't even know about (or might, but have overlooked.)?

The Technology reminds me of my Civilization 5 playthrough. One day they're medieval then the next day my people are looking for plutonium to build Atom bombs with. It's magic mofo.

Also, that Lyra QWOP game is horrible, look at the L Y R and A keys on your keyboard. Look at how spread apart they are. I would never want to play that, no matter how much of a Lyra Fan I am.

Fresh from Xbox's Facebook page

Normally I'm not a fan of 'shoving the show in everyone's faces' but here (unlike the Mass Effect and Bioshock Infinite incidents) they're strictly advertising their product (which is a Rainbow Dash toy and Twilight Sparkle Hoodie) so they can make money. They can't exactly make money when no one knows that you can buy a fucking Rainbow Dash. So seeing all the butthurt here is giving me a massive hate boner. I just can't stop feeding on the butthurt…..does this make me a troll? Oh well, time to go continue to rig the Best Pony vote on the Hub.

@Pony Tech: It depends on your headcanon, really. Mine being that technology is five years behind us in Equestria. I think some things are used simply because Equestria has a huge nostalgia wingboner for 'em.

@Xbox Brony Stuff: Hold on. If Xbox released MLP stuff, and the anti-bronies are shitting all over it, does that mean Hasbro is in talks with the internet to further tarnish Microsoft's share in the video game market and finally have the PlayStation destroy it's hated rival?

Hasbro, you magnificent bastards.

@Pony Tech
I agree with Jimmy that they're nostalgic with their technology, I'm guessing the cause is because they don't have a standardized tech board/council that regulates specific norms for use and application. I'm also guessing that Celestia never cared much about Equestria's infrastructure and even less about industrialization.

@Xbox Brony Merc

Viewing this from an economical perspective, I'd call it a hazardous move to commit. I think they should have reconsidered their advertising a bit. Viewing this as a brony, I don't understand why so much butthurt. If you don't want to see it then simply ignore it.

I need to study grammar once more.

Last edited 11 years ago

General Grievous said:

In other news…
I was browsing FIMFiction and I accidentally found
this. I never knew someone can beat Fallout Equestria and Project Horizons.

To give you a reference as to how long Diaries of a Madman is, you could fit the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy into it almost three times, it's a third as long as the entire Wheel of Time series, and is as long as the entire The Dark Tower series.

The truly mind boggling fact though is that, despite it's length that puts many major book series to shame, it only takes up 0.1553% of Fimfiction's total word count.

Diaries of a Madnman may be Fimfiction's longest fanfic, but if we count series, BlackRoseRaven's Blooming Moon Chronicles/99 Worlds Saga shatters all others, clocking in at a mindnumbing 3,397,894 words. All about Luna and a human OC's adventures. Happy reading.

It seems like Equestria has advanced electronics (circa 1970's) but lags behind on the industrial side (still using steam locamotion and primitive internal combustion engines). I wouldn't really count the digital watch or lasers as those were in Imagine Spots and so don't count (while Twilight referenced the lasers, that doesn't necessarily mean they're real, only that the concept exists. Much like the concept of FTL travel exists but it doesn't IRL.)

Actually, there is a simple reason why industrial tech is so primitive in Equestria: it's unnecessary. Even the Mane 6 tend to stay more or less in Ponyville, so there is no demand for fast long-distance transport. The average pony probably walks anywhere that they need to go unless they are going on holiday, when they catch the train. Which is why higher-tech items are focused on entertainment.

That, and the level of demand in Equestria for almost all goods is probably too low to sustain more than a cottage industry. We see advanced electrics how often? Not very. Word Of God says it's powered by magic, too. I suspect the trains are powered by somepony with a traindriver Cutie Mark.

I think I had a weird thought the other day… It's one of those "Offensive Slang Retorts" that would have a much different implication when used in Equestria.

The phrase basically goes along the lines of "F- you and the horse you rode."

For a pony… The only …Ahem… Standard reason for a pony to ride a horse is in the Intercourse sense.

So it essentially translates to pony terms as "Screw you and your mare-friend", except with extremely exaggerated sexual overtones, not helped by the fact the first word can usually be interpreted in a sexual sense too.

…And no… Saying "Buck" is not better… In fact its actually more Graphic.

Saying “Buck” is not better… In fact its actually more Graphic.

I hate the term "buck" as an expletive.

Not because I'm against those cutesy 'everybody/everypony' substitute terms but because associating 'buck' with 'fuck' renders so many things in the equestrian universe so very wrong.

Applebucking season? Anyone?

@Pony technology

I have two headcanons for this.

1. Pony technology era's are based more on location than time and thus different era's of tech are scattered across the land. This is because:

1a. Magic has skewed the necessity for technology developments and its rate of development. Area's can be more medieval or modern depending on how common magic is in that area. Also magic can be used IN technology which has led to bizarre alterations in their tech tree that differs greatly from human tech evolution. I.E: modern technology appearing in older era context (proof that ponies can totally be steampunk)

1b. Ponies without magic are less capable of manipulating objects to invent new things at the same rate as humans, even if their education is on par. You just can't do so much with hooves compared to hands. Considering this, as far as we have seen: pony technology doesn't get more advanced than 60's era technology

1c. Portals to the human world force technology into the wrong era's. Such as the magic mirror that leads to Equestria High. By using a mirror like this, some advanced human tech is discovered and brought back. Things like this have led to ponies adapting things like flash photography before their time. But things like this would be centered around the location of said portals making those area's more advanced than others

1d. Access to raw materials in equestria is limited. Steels and plastics are rare, forcing ponies to stick with old fashion stone masonry and wooden tools. Some electronics exist, but again nothing beyond 60's era tech

As for my other headcanon:

2. All pony technology is salvaged from the ruins of human civilisation As equestria is actually a region of post apocalyptic earth, millions of years into the future. All that is left of mankind, is ancient relics passed down by generations of equines that evolved sentience. They don't fully understand their own technology, they just know this stuff existed and was used a certain way. explaining why they still manufacture technology that was intended for humans.

Last edited 11 years ago
Derpibooru reaches 400000 with some dubs.

Blue Screen said:

I hate the term “buck” as an expletive.

Not because I’m against those cutesy ‘everybody/everypony’ substitute terms but because associating ‘buck’ with ‘fuck’ renders so many things in the equestrian universe so very wrong.

Applebucking season? Anyone?

>implying words can't have multiple meanings, you dam bastard.

But seriously, nothing snaps me out of a story faster than Twilight dropping an F bomb, or Dash saying "shit." The in-universe equivalents are so much fun (shit=horseapples, fuck=buck, hell=tartarus, whore=horse), and the best part is the mods can't stop you from rating a story "Everyone" when you use them, cause they're in the show.

xTSGx wrote:

Blue Screen said:
I hate the term “buck” as an expletive.
Not because I’m against those cutesy ‘everybody/everypony’ substitute terms but because associating ‘buck’ with ‘fuck’ renders so many things in the equestrian universe so very wrong.

Applebucking season? Anyone?

>implying words can’t have multiple meanings, you dam bastard.

But seriously, nothing snaps me out of a story faster than Twilight dropping an F bomb, or Dash saying “shit.” The in-universe equivalents are so much fun (shit=horseapples, fuck=buck, hell=tartarus, whore=horse), and the best part is the mods can’t stop you from rating a story “Everyone” when you use them, cause they’re in the show.

I have to agree with both of you to some degree. If a story is set in a universe which closely resembles the in-show version of Equestria, any cussing whatsoever seems horrendously out-of-place. I'm a lot more forgiving when it comes to alternative universes, though there has to be some context as to why they're used (e.g. in Fallout Equestria they don't seem even remotely unusual, considering how fucked up everything else is).

Despite this, I also don't like the use of the word 'buck'. 'Fuck' is a word which tends to carry a lot of force, and if used very sparingly in fiction it can add some serious impact to dialogue. For most fiction it probably shouldn't be used at all. 'Buck' on the other hand is a fairly lame pun, and I don't think I've ever seen it used in such a way that it adds to the story rather than taking me out of it. All I can focus on is how terrible the pun is, and any impact the author intended it to carry is completely lost.

(I would say similar things for 'whorse', but the word amuses me too much for me to stay mad at it)

Still, swear words aren't the worst culprits for taking me out of a story. That honour belongs to 'Lavender Unicorn Syndrome'. Anyone with any experience of pony fics should know what I'm talking about. For those who don't, it's the tendency for authors to replace names with short descriptions in an attempt to avoid repetition. So instead of writing 'Pinkie Pie' four times in one paragraph, they'll write something like 'the pink party pony', or something pointlessly obscure like 'the sugar-loving earth pony'. It seriously pisses me off, and it shows up everywhere. The worst part is that I barely noticed it until I learned that it had a name. Now I can't stop noticing it (and neither will any of you now that I've brought it up).

Last edited 11 years ago

Algernon wrote:

Still, swear words aren’t the worst culprits for taking me out of a story. That honour belongs to ‘Lavender Unicorn Syndrome’. Anyone with any experience of pony fics should know what I’m talking about. For those who don’t, it’s the tendency for authors to replace names with short descriptions in an attempt to avoid repetition.

An easier way to lesson the effect of Repetition, while also not using LUS, is to just write more between one use of the name and the other, while also altering the position of the name in the opening sentence.

Of course… I don't know if huge amounts of prose is a good thing or a bad thing. And I'm certainly uncertain of when an appropriate use of Purple Prose would be.

@Swearing: I don't have an issue with swearing in MLP fanworks. Yes, it wouldn't happen in the show but neither would the vast majority of fanfic stuff either.
I hate "buck" used as an expletive, just because it's fucking annoying. I tend to notice this most with the "wrong neighborhood" image macros, where it sounds the very most like terrible corny half-assed censorship. In that case the real-world swear really fits too. I'm okay with it being used for its actual meaning but that only seems to happen very often with Applejack.
To be quite honest, I think that the various horse puns (and similar things like the palce names and "everypony") would be one of the most grating things if I were to actually watch the show.

BSOD wrote:

I hate the term “buck” as an expletive.

Not because I’m against those cutesy ‘everybody/everypony’ substitute terms but because associating ‘buck’ with ‘fuck’ renders so many things in the equestrian universe so very wrong.

Applebucking season? Anyone?

Same here. It's one of the few parts of the fandom I wish would just go away. xTSGx makes a good point about the use of swears in fanfics, but I think otherwise it is kinda annoying.


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