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The Social Justice Warriors at My Doorstep

Last posted Oct 14, 2014 at 07:42PM EDT. Added Oct 10, 2014 at 01:25PM EDT
11 posts from 7 users


I'm not sure if this is in the right section, so please assist if you believe that this is in the wrong place.

As a bit of a preface, since this is about SJWs, I kind of have to lay out my "profile" of my identity so to speak. I'm a developer but I'm on this work/education plan which means I don't get paid as much as my coworkers… yet. I'm a woman in body who doesn't really identify as any particular gender who has autism. All of these things I usually don't give two shits about. Also, I have a coworker friend who is gay and also has a ??? gender identity. BECAUSE REASONS. He is also among the sperg kind.

Anyways, so I have been really tight on cash lately, and I recently had to take my little birdie to the vet, which basically anally evacuated by bank account. So two women I work with, a woman in her 40's (been with the company 1.5 years) and another who is I think about 30 years old (been with the company 9 months) decide to pitch in. They're both very nice people so I'm really happy about their generosity.

So they take me out to lunch. Which is fine and dandy, I guess. We go out to a local restaurant and we're just talking about things, and then suddenly the conversation takes a nosedive.

We had a hiccup before the real game, in which I was talking about how at my last job a parent told me to "Oh, you can ignore him, he's autistic". This is something that made me boil ever since that happened (I told the customer that I was autistic and they promptly shut their fucking mouth). Both of them were trying to defend this behaviour (???) by claiming that the parents were "trying to fit in" or "having a disabled child has many challenges" (as if I wouldn't know what it's like to live in a family with disabled children). Older one has disabled daughter, I told her, "would you ever say that it's okay for other people to ignore your daughter because she has a disability?" "Well no but-" I'm sorry, there are no buts, you do not tell other people that you can "ignore" your child because they have a disability. I swear to god that kid probably thinks he's worthless with that sort of attitude. Anyways…

Then it all started with misogyny. And it all went down to fuckville from there.

Younger chick starts talking about how she feels that one of her superiors is misogynistic. Her claims seem to be based in a genuine problem, at first. Some things that she claimed that this individual was doing would definitely be listed as "misogynistic", and I noticed this kind of attitude myself with this particular individual. I usually brushed it aside as a bit of callous humour, a sort of "you really shouldn't say that but its not the end of the world" kind of deal. But I could see why she was frustrated.

She had been working on a project for some time and received no acknowledgement for it in a company wide email, while her manager took most of the credit – another legitimate complaint. But then the conversation dug deeper.

She starts going on about "strong women", which is a concept that I quite honestly loathe. I challenge this directly. I tell her, "some people are just different, women don't need to be strong to be good women". She begins to get increasingly aggressive in her language with me. She starts going on a tangent about how "women are told to be weak". I tried to tell her that "those who are forced into a state of submission are abused, but not everyone is strong" but she silenced me, ignored me.

It's worth noting that one of the most frustrating things about my autism is that I have much trouble turning my thoughts into words, especially things relating to emotions. I have explained this in the past and it leads to things like stuttering, going on and on, and confusing verbage. I describe it as "my interpreter is on strike". The fact that these people wouldn't just let me finish and actually debate me as opposed to shoving an inconvenient position under the rug absolutely infuriated me. It should be noted that everyone else has had the patience to converse with me and does not talk over me, unless I'm "ranting in circles" and they put what I meant to say more succinctly.

She began to state that women needed a "strong female role model" in order to be strong. I was deeply offended by this statement. I had always been an extremely headstrong individual who was always very competitive, very ambitious, and very "strong". For those who may be confused to why this is so upsetting, it's essentially erasing my own strength, ambition and basically who I am as a person for an idea that takes that all away from me as a person and says that "I couldn't be that inherently". In these people's eyes, I cannot just be a strong lady, I have to be a strong lady who was strong because I held someone's hand. Bull-fucking-shit.

She began to claim that all men are inherently misogynistic. This also was a huge fucking anger point for me. This essentially paints men with a stain that they cannot remove because of who they are born as. I tried to refute this but I was silenced and ignored. To make this point even more offensive, she claimed that "the worst thing about dealing with this is that they are so grown in their ways that they will never change". Holy fucking Christ on a popcicle. Not ONLY this, but she claimed that her manager was "inherently misogynistic" as well, but then soon later stated that he would be a "friend and advocate" for her. WTF.

She then began to sort people into little "gender boxes" – men are like this, women are like this. I wouldn't say I have dysphoria, but if the feeling I felt when she kept going on about that was any sort of dysphoria, then holy shit do I feel bad for you transgender peeps. As a teenager I came to the realization that I'm not really a "woman" or a "man" in a gender sense but just a smear and I've always been content with that part of me (on older sites I list myself as "androgynous" if the gender is a fill-in, and I would switch the genders for the lulz to annoy people). Most people are fine with that, in fact, the men that I work with (you know, the "misogynists by default") are aware of it and they completely agree with that sort of identity. I never really thought it was that important until this conversation, and they just kept going. About how men are made into teh evilz, and how women are weak and blah blah blah. It was genuinely making me feel extremely uncomfortable. I was about to walk outside and leave, especially considering that I was repeatedly silenced.

The other woman was essentially a yes man, she wasn't really contributing too much to the conversation other than "yes" or repeating what was stated earlier.

She then began to talk about how evil this one guy was because he made jokes about being effeminate. She described this as "crudely homophobic behaviour". This one I really couldn't react to, not really considering myself to be "gay" (that shit is weird though when you're technically NB). This ended up being hilariously ironic later, but I tried to explain to her that "this dude isn't homophobic" and "he's kind of a joker and doesn't know when it hurts your feelings". Nothing gelled. By this point the older chick even chimed in, saying "I really don't think he means any harm". Thing is, at this company we take discrimination really fucking seriously and I was genuinely worried that she would go to HR and try to stir some shit. We've both been unable to talk but I'm going to let him know ASAP so he can avoid that fate – he's a good guy. She continued to go on about how he was "an animal" and how his manager (the same one she called a friend and advocate) should "train him not to do that". It was every bit as dehumanizing as it sounds here.

We went into older chick's van, and then drove back. They were joking about how they "took so much time chatting up" that they forgot to take me to the store for food, which was the original intent. I wouldn't be so upset if the contents were far less bigoted.

The icing on the cake was when they continued to talk about the supposedly homophobic coworker and how the older chick explained that she would say "I have a gay brother" to try to make people STFU even if she didn't have them. She explained "if I had that kind of family then I'd be completely neurotic!" or something along those lines. Again I was deeply upset by this.

Thing is, I'm a very talkative person. I tend to be very chatty and upbeat, and even have the tendency to "overtake" a conversation – I just have a very imposing nature. Throughout this whole thing, I was silent. I felt incredibly uncomfortable with their attitudes towards their coworkers, and especially towards the implications they were saying towards various figments of who I was.

(continued in next post)

It should be noted that:
*Our development team's most valuable member is an Indian woman who is incredibly experienced in her field and nobody ever thinks less of her because she's a woman (she is so well respected that she kept her job working remote when her husband had to move).
*The management in question has been working with each other for 15 years (this includes a black woman as well). They've essentially gone from job to job together, and it's no surprise that they would be supporting each other over someone they just met 9 months ago (not that it's right).
*I have never personally encountered anything that I would consider truly misogynistic. The "sandwich in the kitchen" jokes were made by me. kek. I've been here a month longer than younger chick.

The kicker? They both told me that I "understand how it feels" because I faced trouble in my past. So not only did they essentially stomp over my accomplishments, my identity, and my coworkers, they are using my challenges in my life to further push their agenda. I stayed silent, frustrated, but unable to enunciate my frustration.

I talked with it with my gay friend, asking him if he ever felt like there were any "homophobic undertones" with his coworkers. He seemed really confused. When I explained it in more detail, he thought it was funny and shrugged it off. He then explained to me that younger chick was talking about a month or so ago about how she used to get involved with gay conversion shit with her church, and she defended it, claiming that "a lot of people who claim they are gay are doing it for attention or are confused about themselves", which deeply offended him, and he explained to her that he was gay and he is gay because he is gay, end of story. Sure, that shit may be true on tumblr but real life ain't fucking tumblr.

Now I knew that younger chick was aware that my buddy was gay, I think it's bizarre that they make up gay people to support their opinion but they won't actually refer to the very real, very gay coworker who works with them every day. What. The. Fuck.

I was extremely upset by this set of events. I genuinely feel uncomfortable around both of them now. I really don't know if I should speak up to them or what. It was two days ago but I'm still pretty upset by it. It really ruined my day. I'm sure there's shit that I'm forgetting, but eugh.

Any advice?

Thank you for coming to us for advice, this is clearly an issue best answered by strangers on a meme site. So you say after these women paid for your bird's vet bills, took you out to eat, and were taking you grocery shopping (which for some reason you can't do on your own) they said something that offends you? They must be horrible SJWs despite not showing any signs of activism. Claiming to have a gay brother? who would dare tastelessly use someone to further one's own agenda?

I'm sorry that I came for help on how to explain to people who are nice and generous that they upset me through a single occurrence. Just because they were helpful doesn't mean that my concerns are not invalidated, and frankly, I don't want to cause any trouble in between these people because I believe they made mistakes. This is why I asked for advice on how to approach them on this matter. I use the term "SJW" because they acted in ways that align with them (focusing on social justice while ignoring other possibilities).

They're not horrible people. I know they're not horrible people. That's why I called them nice people in my initial post. I want to address the problem but I don't know how to. I asked how I can talk to them about it because I know they wanted to help me but they were really quite rude. I apologize if this comes off on the wrong foot.

P.S. I paid for my vet bill, they gave me the equivalent of $20 together. A nice gesture but not quite what you're making it out to be.

Again, I apologize if this isn't the right place to talk about it, but if this isn't the place to ask for help, then I ask for the thread to be locked.

Last edited Oct 10, 2014 at 04:38PM EDT

It sounds as if you may need a go-in-between person. Someone who will be patient enough to hear your stance but be able to be quick enough with the tongue to articulate it in the heat of a debate.

I'm not sure if the situation would ever come up again where you want to make a point, but if you have trouble articulating your point in the moment, and they're talking over you when do you speak, then your best approach may be to have someone speak for you.
Good luck.

Lovebirds are always appreciated.

I've decided that I'm probably just going to sit tight for now. I don't think I'll be going to lunch with them for a while though. If they ask, sure, I'll let them know, but considering the passive-aggressiveness of the conversation I want to avoid direct conversation on the issue. My gay friend and I talked about it over the weekend and we both have the general consensus that they're not really bad people but these sorts of things are essentially delving into catty bullshit that I don't really want to touch anymore than I've already been exposed to.


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