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What are some of your phobias/What makes you paranoid?

Last posted Nov 03, 2011 at 06:25PM EDT. Added Oct 12, 2011 at 09:40PM EDT
39 posts from 34 users

I have a fear of: spiders, birds, going TOOOO fast, being alone, rejection, commitment, pain, other peoples death, and sometimes the dark.

I usually get paranoid when I'm high.
Sometimes when I'm home alone I think there is someone there watching my every move, but only sometimes…

I do not like long periods of silence………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Walking down broken basement stairs, backwards in the middle of the night, in a house made out of spiders, snakes, and tapeworms, above a cliff, on the California fault line.

Last edited Oct 13, 2011 at 12:12PM EDT

It sounds cliché, but the greatest fear of mine is to lose those who i care for… Also, another fear i got is of seeing those who i care for getting hurt (In any sense possible), i dont care if i'm hurt or something like that, however if those who i care about are hurt i always find a way to help them.
Loneliness? Not really afraid of that, but i could go insane, anyone would depending on.
Death? No… i'm not afraid of dying, i know i'm going to die someday, but the idea of losing it all is bad.
Darkness? I'm used to it, actually i feel even better whenever its dark.
Monsters? Uh… not really, i mean, i would feel unsettled about it, but scared like "SHI-SHI-SHINIGAMI?! WAAAAAAH!!!" nope, at most i'd be intrigued, or suspicious, and also i know i'll never find those things anywhere in earth.
Creatures that could kill me? Well, i'm always ready for a fight…
Guns? not really… as the saying goes "Guns don't kill men, men do"
Height? Wouldn't say i'm not afraid of such, but wouldn't say that i'm afraid too, i'd feel slightly uncomfortable;

Wasps. Oh how I hate those.

Got stinged as a kid multiple times, feared them ever since (although lately it's getting better).

Thank god we don't have hornets where I live.

I have a fear of Spiders.

They say a spider is more afraid of you than you are of it, but when is the last time a spider saw youn and ran screaming into the next room to get its boyfriend to put you outside?

The ocean, bees, Africanized bees, hornets, wasps, people dressed as bees, I'm afraid of my own paranoia and I'm terrified of the dark and dying alone. Also, I HATE PEARS.

Vlad wrote:

I have a fear of Spiders.

They say a spider is more afraid of you than you are of it, but when is the last time a spider saw youn and ran screaming into the next room to get its boyfriend to put you outside?

How I picture Vlad making this post.

Most find something different then Monty Python..

Last edited Nov 02, 2011 at 04:14AM EDT

I have no idea why, but I'm actually afraid of da police. I'm a law abiding citizen, and even though I've never even talked to a cop in my life, I still get freaked out whenever I see one.

I'm also paranoid whenever it comes to my health, the internet, and pretty much everything you would read on a Paranoid Parrot image macro…

Last edited Nov 02, 2011 at 11:43AM EDT

Here comes a weird one.

You know how most kids that end up watching Stephen King's IT end up with a fear of clowns or spiders? Well, I don't care for spiders and clowns simply irritate me, but I did come away with a fear of plumbing. Ever since I saw that movie and that one scene from Ghostbusters 2 when the slime makes the tub come to life, I never wanted to turn on the tap at anyone's house other than my own. I'd always ask someone else to do it for me.

I still have nightmares about the bathroom overflowing and such.

Another paranoia of mine is being in a lane with a wall on either side. It's mostly claustrophobia though. I'm HIGHLY claustrophobic. Funny story though; I tried to ride my bicycle over a bridge once that had walls on either side of the passage and I ended up making friends with the pavement because I couldn't stop holding my hand out to the walls to keep away from them.

I have a phobia of being alone in the woods, then again, I bet most people fear that.
I also had a fear of Chucky from the Child's play series.
His face was just so terrifying and gross.

But now I watch those movies and I find them awesome and Chucky is a great villain.

I'm paranoid about way too many things to speak of. Now fear, I don't have that many of. I'm afraid of anything that can kills me easily(Poison bugs, murderers, etc) and that my paranoia will be the death of me.

Last edited Nov 03, 2011 at 06:28PM EDT

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