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Race/Ethnicity Thread?

Last posted Feb 22, 2013 at 08:05PM EST. Added Feb 17, 2013 at 11:14AM EST
52 posts from 38 users

Technically, I'm equal parts Middle Eastern/German, with a random dump of other stuff, but I just look caucasian. I like to screw with people though because I'm technically of Asian descent, but it's West Asian, not East Asian. It really rustles people's jimmies for some reason that I can be Asian, but not Oriental.

I think he means Spanish as in Spain you twat.
Anyway I am Asian, Filipino to be more exact with some Spain Spanish as well, and some Irish, Italian, Japanese blood mixed in. In the end I just look Filipino.

Ann Hiro wrote:

I think he means Spanish as in Spain you twat.
Anyway I am Asian, Filipino to be more exact with some Spain Spanish as well, and some Irish, Italian, Japanese blood mixed in. In the end I just look Filipino.

Yeah, but considering Mexico used to be a colony of Spain, pretty much anyone born in Mexico with a Hispanic hertiage has Spanish (as in Spain) in them.

@Omomon: I apologize for my rudeness.

Verbose wrote:

If it weren't for me, then you might be, OP.

I believe that Doctor Hobo may be black, and I think Quantum Meme is mixed (black and white.)

Docta Hobo is black.

Verbose wrote:

If it weren't for me, then you might be, OP.

I believe that Doctor Hobo may be black, and I think Quantum Meme is mixed (black and white.)

I'm quarter black, My colour is white and I have a (somewhat) Afro.

But Verbose can describe the hair to you, he somehow (using his powers) guessed it well.

Half Irish, 3/8ths English, and 1/8ths French here. Pale as a bucket, and I can't even get a tan. I wish I had some German blood, that'd be sweet.

>Canadian weather doesn't help<

BlackWolf, The Midnight Pirate wrote:

Hmm, but are you African-American? I'm actually mixed myself but I look black. I'm Carib-Latino mixed.

African-American. From what we can gather (another hint that I'm African-American: I don't know for sure very far back) I am 29/32nds African-American, 1/32nd Native American (Cherokee?), and 1/16th English.

Don't let any of the Native American or White fool you.

I am African-American. Black. My predecessors were mostly slaves.

Quantum Meme wrote:

I'm quarter black, My colour is white and I have a (somewhat) Afro.

But Verbose can describe the hair to you, he somehow (using his powers) guessed it well.

So you're a quadroon then? Such an elegant word for what it means.

I'm 3/4ths Vietnamese, 1/4ths Burmese. Also a ton of Chinese going on on both sides since way back then Chinese people were the people to procreate with. Doesn't really matter though, because in spite of all this "diversity," I just look like a normal Asian in the end.

Last edited Feb 17, 2013 at 07:19PM EST

I'm German/English/Irish/Native American/maybe Swedish/and maybe African American.

On my father side, my grandfather was pure German and his wife, my grandmother, was English. They moved to California during WW2. My father moved to Virginia and that's where he met my mom.

On my mother side, my grandmother was pure Native American. From what my mom told me, the Native Americans were fascinated with the Swedish, or vikings, when they came to america, with their blue eyes. Supposedly, that's why some of my family members have blonde hair and blue eyes, since my grandmother ancestor probably mingled with them. Of course, the blonde hair and blue eyes part could've came from my grandfather who was an Irish man.

The African American part, I'm not too sure on. My mom is not really the historian of my family. She just said there's a possibility. My family is known to reproduce quickly and with most anything bipedal.

Sadly, my grandparents deceased so I can not ask them. Of course, my grandfather who was Irish died when even before I was born. He died when my mom was around three.

TL;DR: I'm many flavors of vanilla with some cinnamon mixed in.

Last edited Feb 17, 2013 at 08:18PM EST

With everybody here getting into details, I'm not even sure if I'm black anymore.
Here goes:
My great-grandmother on my mom's side is Chinese/Latino(Venezuela)
My great-grandfather is Carib,
Both of my grandparents on my dad's side are Carib/Latino(Venezuela)
Carib is a race of descendants from when African slaves came to the Caribbean, (specifically Trinidad) and had kids with the Natives that were already there.
I was born in the US, thinking I was African American.
So what the hell am I?
Can somebody help me out?

Last edited Feb 17, 2013 at 08:34PM EST

BlackWolf, The Midnight Pirate wrote:

With everybody here getting into details, I'm not even sure if I'm black anymore.
Here goes:
My great-grandmother on my mom's side is Chinese/Latino(Venezuela)
My great-grandfather is Carib,
Both of my grandparents on my dad's side are Carib/Latino(Venezuela)
Carib is a race of descendants from when African slaves came to the Caribbean, (specifically Trinidad) and had kids with the Natives that were already there.
I was born in the US, thinking I was African American.
So what the hell am I?
Can somebody help me out?

That's an interesting question. I've never really had to deal with identifying in that sense, because I always knew myself as and was perceived as being "black." There was no question as to what I identified myself as and what I was identified as by others.

I've already implied that there are "two" identities that a person should consider:

  • What you identify yourself as.
  • What others identify you as.

Now, I have a little bit of "white" blood in me, but I've always seen myself as black. My family is seen as black. We have a healthy respect for racial discrimination. I easily identify as being "black" and African-American.
The same is the case for how people see me. I look "black" (which is the main thing,) I have no accent that indicates that I'm foreign to the continental US, and all of the information people have on me and my history indicates that I'm black. Others easily identify me as being black (well, in terms of my race, anyway.) and African-American.
For you, it's hard to say without a picture, and I would not propose that you post one. But it sounds like you're "look" black. Most Americans don't care if you're Latino, part Latino, have parents who were immigrant or grandparents, or anything. If you don't have an accent and you speak English well enough, then people will see you as black/African-American.

Unless you're very close to someone and/or they understand that being Carib is quite different from being African-American, then people will perceive you as being "black" and African-American, correct or not.
As for how you perceive yourself, it seems like you're well aware of and may be quite attached to the ethnic identities you hold. In that sense, you might say you're mixed, because you feel comfortable with identifying as being a bit of all of your ethnicities. You may not feel or see yourself as being ethnically Chinese or racially "Asian" at all, but you do see yourself as being different from being African-American.

So I think you might feel comfortable with saying you're "black" but that you're not African-American. A professor of mine identified himself as being Caribbean-American even though he was born and raised in the US, because his parents were both Caribbean (he never used the word Carib, but he very well may have been Carib.)

So tl;dr,

I think it's important to know how people see you. More often than not, I think most Americans don't differentiate between African-Americans and Caribbean-Americans unless they look different or speak differently. So they probably just see you as being African-American until they get to know how much you care (or don't care) about your ethnic background.

As for how you see yourself, that's mostly up to you. I would see yourself racially and ethnically in the way you feel best describes you. But always be aware that other people may see you differently.
Don't get to the point I did in high school though. I thought all of my white friends were racist at one point. Granted, not all of them are raised to understand race like many minorities do, but they're either willing to understand or they just plain don't care.

Feel free to ask me any other questions. I don't know about trying to figure out what race I am, but I did hang out (and currently hang out) with a lot of white people, and I don't always feel as "black" as other people do because of it.

Verbose wrote:

For you, it’s hard to say without a picture, and I would not propose that you post one.

Actually I think I remember them posting a picture of themselves in the picture thread. Just saying.

Last edited Feb 18, 2013 at 05:10AM EST

It's interesting that I seem to be the only one of a pure ethnicity here…

10.You're top of your class even though you spent your days skyping with people in Iran.
9. You've invaded India under the banner of a swastika flag.
8. You smirk at Persian people when you see them.
7. You read papers about the Proto-Indo-Europeean migrations.
6. In facebook, you've joined some sort of Persian pride group.
5. The only carpets you have are Persian carpets.
4. You have at least one Farahavar statue.
3. You have a full beard, even though you're a girl.
2. Your profile picture in at least a quarter of the sites you visit is of a Persian cat.
1. You get Turk jokes sent to your cellphone daily.

8 of these are true for me.

Iran wrote:

It's interesting that I seem to be the only one of a pure ethnicity here…

10.You're top of your class even though you spent your days skyping with people in Iran.
9. You've invaded India under the banner of a swastika flag.
8. You smirk at Persian people when you see them.
7. You read papers about the Proto-Indo-Europeean migrations.
6. In facebook, you've joined some sort of Persian pride group.
5. The only carpets you have are Persian carpets.
4. You have at least one Farahavar statue.
3. You have a full beard, even though you're a girl.
2. Your profile picture in at least a quarter of the sites you visit is of a Persian cat.
1. You get Turk jokes sent to your cellphone daily.

8 of these are true for me.

9 and 3 are not true, amirite?

Spider-Byte wrote:

English with Scottish and Irish ancestors.
No Welsh though, gives me shivers thinking about it. (Just joking)

I'll have you know my mum's Welsh, so yeah, come at me bro.


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