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Star Wars: Rogue One Trailer is out

Last posted Apr 25, 2016 at 12:02AM EDT. Added Apr 07, 2016 at 08:08AM EDT
39 posts from 24 users

Ever since this movie was announced I was more excited about it than about the new trilogy.

I'm not saying that The Force Awakens was bad, but judging by this trailer alone Rogue One already looks better than TFA. Of course, I shouldn't judge the book by its cover, so I'm just going to wait until this comes out. But, man, it looks amazing so far!

H.UNgrammar wrote:

Can someone help me with the name?
When i first seen this i thought she introduce herself as Jan Ors. But my colleague say it's a total different name.

I heard Jen Orso. I'm going to laugh so hard if she ends up with a jedi named Kale Kattamaran.

H.UNgrammar wrote:

Can someone help me with the name?
When i first seen this i thought she introduce herself as Jan Ors. But my colleague say it's a total different name.

Apparently it's Jyn Erso. Entertainment Weekly claims that a Lucasfilm source confirmed this spelling.

Last edited Apr 07, 2016 at 09:58AM EDT

I'm a little surprised at the tone. Months ago, I heard it was essentially a heist movie in space, so I was expecting something a little more slick and silly, but this trailer was pretty dang serious. Still looks interesting and I'll check it out. It's cool that we're getting one Star Wars movie a year. Hope it doesn't lose its appeal too quickly.

It looks neat, but I don't know if I'll see it or not. Prequel movies in the star wars universe haven't really worked out too well for me.

I'm calling it now: in the next teaser there will be a five second shot of Darth Vader where he says something ominous like "it begins" or "the force is strong with this one" before cutting to the release date.

All aboard! Hype train is leaving the station galaxy!

If you can't tell, I am very excited for this. I hope it sets a precedent for live-action Star Wars television shows. Star Trek has them, why not Star Wars too?

Ę̭͍̪p̠̞̍ͪy͎̹ͅc̱͔͗̍ W̼̯͉̐͞y̛̦̦nͧͪ̍ wrote:

I feel like that ridiculous alarm that sounds like a wooki being repeatedly kicked in the lung should become a meme.

Last edited Apr 07, 2016 at 04:42PM EDT

Quite happy to see Original Trilogy Stormtroopers again. The mask, so deathly skull-like and intimidating, now accompanied by new variants. Each film in the original trilogy had slight modifications to the design, I'm sure this one will too. If anything, it will look more "polished" and "clean" with modern equipment and tech.

I really hope we see more empire, the antagonists are my favorite part of the movies, especially during Empire Strikes Back. That shot with the Death Star disk, the shadow touching the Destroyers, initially confusing, but then bone chilling once I realized what was happening.

Even the bounty hunters are something I love, lined up and so exotic, added another roguish element, the type to deal with Solo. Seems we might have similar tones here too. Oh gosh I'm really looking forward to this, it's Star Wars, I can't help it.

Appears to be an Admiral. Some speculate Thrawn himself, but I believe they'll stick to keeping outside the EU.

That said, I love this shot. So cold with that empire sleekness. Has the presence of power and domination around him.

That's a great helmet. The top seems very similar to a OT Stormtrooper helmet, but the visor itself is heavily modified. Wonder if they're some kind of special operations unit. And is that a moisture vaporator I spy in the background.

What's Donnie Yen doing in Star Wars?

Martial Arts are always cool, but I hope they don't go over the top with it like the Darth Maul duel sequence, a bit too choreographed for me. I prefer raw emotion and sheer brutality, like during the Force Awakens duel.

Last edited Apr 07, 2016 at 05:14PM EDT
Appears to be an Admiral. Some speculate Thrawn himself, but I believe they’ll stick to keeping outside the EU.

If it is of any help,

Tarkin happens to be the only novel of the new canon that I've read, although that was a while ago so I don't remember any names. A quick sweep through the novel's Wookipedia page made me think that it might be this guy, but I'm not really sure

S'more helmets.

The one on the right vaguely resembles a scout trooper helmet. I'm guessing it's some kind swamp or aquatic build helmet. We saw palm trees and beaches in the trailer.

Just going to mention it again to connect a point, there were Moisture Vaporators behind the black colored troopers. We've had plenty of arid locations, but I don't know if these guys will replace sandtroopers.

And to elaborate on the "Admiral" guy, it hasn't been mentioned here but most of you probably know, the actor is Ben Mendolsohn. No official mention of his character name.

My safest bet is he's not Tarkin or Thrawn, just some new character handling Death Star plans. Tarkin does have a developed backstory in the Cartoon Network animated series where he becomes an admiral, however I didn't personally pay attention to that show.

I feel this could be better than TFA primarily because it will actually be original. It's commonly known how copy paste TFA's plot was and this doesn't seem like it would turn out that way. It also looks dark which I think I'll like. I thought TFA was kinda overly dark at times compared to how Star Wars normally is especially for only being the first movie but this movie is able to do that because it's extended universe and its own thing with its own characters.


I like choreography. The saber fights were one of the few (as many as I could count on one hand probably) things I thought the prequels did right and in this case better than the original trilogy. It only makes sense to me space samurai ninjas would be elegant and well, ninja-like instead of just mad swinging. The TFA saber duel was really dull to me it was just two amateurs kinda throwing a fit with laser weapons for a minute and a half and then it was over.

A good mix in my opinion is the final Vader battle from Ep 6. That was pretty elegant but also had the emotion to it. Just a personal thing you can like what you like as well.

Tchefuncte Bonaparte wrote:

I heard Jen Orso. I'm going to laugh so hard if she ends up with a jedi named Kale Kattamaran.

I was really rooting for a Captain Phasma backstory, but then I had my dreams crushed by Wikipedia and George Lucas who said the film would not be about characters from the new trollagy basically. The Disney CFO did say this film (and the other one in planning stages) would be origin films though. Unfortunately she (Jyn) probably won't be a Jedi as it's set before A New Hope and as far as we know all of the Jedi are in hiding and the only ones who even appear to be alive are Yoda and Obi wan. I did read Han and Chewie are supposed to appear in it though. If they do then I doubt The Force will even be in the movie unless we see Vader.

Is that even possible? A Star Wars story without Jedi and the force?

>yfw Ackbar makes one final appearance in Star Wars

I'm assuming they're all going to be doomed by canon since none of them are mentioned or seen in the original trilogy.

Xin said:

Some speculate Thrawn himself…

I doubt it, too. Thrawn's supposed to be an alien. That's part of his whole shtick. He's so good, an alien like him can rise in the xenophobic Empire. That guy looks as human as is possible.

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

>inb4 Sith Jar Jar Binks

It'd be a big step up from the current baby-headed giant they have in his place. From a monetary standpoint they'd make a killing if he was the sithlord. From a fan standpoint fans would love it. From a creative standpoint it's genius based on the theory. The only reason it shouldn't happen is if they're ignorant of the theory's existence which would be impossible unless they pay absolutely no attention to the fandom and I seriously doubt that. Otherwise they aren't doing it for no good reason.

H.UNgrammar wrote:

Can someone help me with the name?
When i first seen this i thought she introduce herself as Jan Ors. But my colleague say it's a total different name.

I would cream my pants if we get dark forces/jedi knight characters for this.

Important to note about it, from Wookiepedia: unlike the original trilogy, which provided a black and white view of good and evil, Edwards stated at Celebration Anaheim that Rogue One "is gray" and that the film could be described as "Real…This is a real place that we're really in…"

This is just the trailer, so some of these things may not be indicative of the movies a whole, but still:

What I like:

  • Mon Mothma
  • AT-ATs
  • No obvious force uses (keep shoehoring in force users when they are supposed to be extremly rare keeps making Luke seem less special when he becomes the "last Jedi" imo
  • In general trailer looks good

What I'm concerned about:

  • Seriously, where are all the aliens? I don't expect to see them in the Empire but among the huge multitude of species that exist in Star Wars (even if factor out all the ones now in canon limbo) in the trailer only saw what may have been the back of the head of a non-human in what looked like the market. Wasn't one of the points about the Rebellion was that it was supposed to be a bunch of different species fighting for freedom against the xenophobic Empire?
Last edited Apr 10, 2016 at 04:38AM EDT
Seriously, where are all the aliens? I don’t expect to see them in the Empire but among the huge multitude of species that exist in Star Wars (even if factor out all the ones now in canon limbo) in the trailer only saw what may have been the back of the head of a non-human in what looked like the market. Wasn’t one of the points about the Rebellion was that it was supposed to be a bunch of different species fighting for freedom against the xenophobic Empire?

Yeah, that's weird. But it's a problem that has existed for as long as the franchise itself – I mean, look at the celebration in the end of A New Hope, they're all humans.

Smiley Dog wrote:

Honestly thought the chick was Katniss from the still images for a split second, or at the very least was being played by Jennifer Lawrence.
That would be one… interesting… crossover.


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