Tendies Stories

Tendies Stories

Part of a series on Greentext Stories. [View Related Entries]

Updated Jul 30, 2020 at 08:10AM EDT by Y F.

Added Jan 27, 2015 at 04:43PM EST by Don.

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Tendies Stories are green text stories featuring a twenty-something man who lives at his mother's home and constantly demands "tendies" (chicken tenders) in exchange for "good boy points" he has earned by doing chores and taking care of himself. The stories are often accompanied by images of Smug Pepe.


In October 2014, posters in the /r9k/ (robot 9000) board on 4chan began submitting green text stories featuring an autistic, overweight son who terrorizes his parents into getting him specific foods and frequently complains about 'normies' (shown below).[1]

Anonymous 10/27/14(Mon)23:38:22 No.14318389 File: 1413209106612 ipg (17 KB, 164x 198) >9PM Really want a McRib s Tell mom I need a McRib because they're only available for a limited time >Says she has to rest for work in the morning and she'll get me one tomorrow >Wait for her to sleep and empty all of my piss jugs in the middle of her bed >Anon! What are you doing!??! >GET MY F------ MCRIⅢⅢⅢⅡⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢIIB >mfw she drives for almost 30 minutes in piss soaked clothing to get my McRib

On January 19th, 2015, an /r9k/[7] user submitted a thread asking for posts "putting normies in their place," to which several users replied with various stories about an adult man who lives with his parents and earns "good boy points" by doing household chores and practicing good hygiene. Other stories contained mentions of the son referring to chicken tenders as "tendies."

View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO 1421658166446.jpg, 17KiB, 225x225 Report Anonymous Mon 19 Jan 2015 21:27:09 No.15891988 Quoted By: >>15892017 monday night 1 am eating tendies with my favorite spicy sauce out of tangy mountain dew coolant >my worst fear has been realized only a delicious mint ice cream sandwich can quench this eat >head down to basement the refrigerator has a lock ont >f------ c---- run upstairs to parents bedroom wake that stupid c--- up and ask her why the refrigerator has a f------ lock on it >she tells me the doctor says that being this "overweight" in my early thirties is really bad or something cut the bitch off right there and demand she open it >she refuses, denying my basic human rights well if you want to play it that way >head into my sisters room and find her little bastard baby is in its little bastard crib take a dump right next to the baby, and write "enjoy your monday normies" on the wall next moning baby has to go to the hospital because of an eye infection >may be permanently blind in its eye so do you think they enjoyed their monday?


On January 22nd, a 4chan user submitted a green text story to /r9k/[6] complaining about his mother cleaning his waifu pillow and raising the price of tendies from five "good boy points" to 10 (shown below).

File: RAAGH ipg (73 KB, 900x900) O Anonymous 01/22/15 Thu 16:03:41 No. 15941589 >>1594241>> 15942378>>15942395 >>15942441>>15942498 215942907 15942651 、 15942666 19428215943354 >tell mom not to clean my waifu pillow >she does it anyway >flip my s---, throw the pillow at her and punch my door slearn later she raised the price of chicken tendies from 5 good boy points to 10 UPRISING NOW > O Anonymous 01/22/15(Thu)16:10:31 No.15941674、>> 15941726 >>15942381 Look, f-----, washing your pillow helps with that chronic acne. Stop abusing your mom and go watch your filthy face Anonymous 01/22/15(Thu)16:14:28 No. 15941726 15941674 I don't sleep with my face on her you retard . Anonymous 01/22/15(Thu)17:03:57 No.15942341、 15942381 >>15942445 >15941589 (OP >good boy points What the f---, does your mum reward you for points for not throwing an autistic tantrum and embarassing her in front of company, you sure are a truly wretched mess. P.S How do you acquire good boy points?

On January 25th, Mumsnet[2] user Janice1975 submitted a post to the parenting message board asking for advice on how to deal with her 22-year-old son who exchanges "good boy points" for "tendies." The post was subsequently deleted. On January 26th, a screenshot of the Mumsnet thread was submitted to the /r/4chan[3] subreddit, where it gained over 1,000 votes (92% upvoted) and 70 comments in 48 hours.

Trouble with older son (1 Post) Janice1975 Sun 25-Jan-15 18:56:27 Hi Mumsnet! This is my first post so I'm sorry if it's in the wrong place Add message | Report | Message poster My only son (I won't say his name in case he finds out (he spends a lot of time on the internet)) is 22 years old Up until the age of 16, he was a normal teenager. He would show interest in girls (though with mixed successes) and was a little too interested with computers, but other than that he was fine However, when he was 16, I got divorced from his father for reasons I'd rather not go into, but it had a profound effect on my son, despite attempts atmediation between him and his father He dropped out of A-Levels and has refused to leave the house or get a job since. He stays awake late and plays video games for incredibly long periods of time. He plays this online game which he says he can't stop playing so he has a tende bottles so he doesn't have to leave his computer (I have to empty them out myself because he can't be bothere to wee into drank coke I want to get him to put his life on track but I feel so guilty over the divorce. I feel like it's my fault. To try and make him get a job or go back to college, I have instituted a system I call "good boy points", something I have seen parents do with younger children. I award small points for thingslike putting the toilet seat down after he has used it or for washing up his plate. For five "good boy points" he can get his favourite dinner (Chicken Tenders or tendies The ultimate prize is a brand new computer at 1000 good boy points, which he can get if he gets a job or goes back to college Since I have instituted this system, he has gotten worse. He frequently flies into fits of rage when I refuse to go to the shop and buy him some Chicken Tenders and smashes things up when he loses at his games. I once told him to quieten down at two in the morning and he threw one of his full up coke bottles over me and told me to leave I am at a loss. Have any of you had trouble with this before? I love him so much but it can't go on this way Thank you for your help Janice

The same day, a green text story was submitted to the /r9k/ board about a son who urinates all over his mother and her boyfriend in order to acquire tendies (shown below). On January 26th, a screenshot of the post was submitted to the /r/4chan[5] subreddit, where it received more than 1,300 votes (93% upvoted) in the first 24 hours. On January 26th, an anonymous 4chan user submitted a "Chicken Tendies General" thread to the /ck/[4] (cooking) board.

Anonymous 01/25/15 (Sun)19:45:11 No.1598757815987609159882801598837815988934215989284 159898422215998149 File: 1421609375763.pna (6 KB, 300x355) I've been a good boy and save up 50 GBP this week now I can dine on tendies ALL WEEKEND lunch goes smoothly enough. got a nice hot plate of tendies and sauce >my tummy starts to growl later and I know it time for dinner >I leave my room and head downstairs "mummy! time for din din! Its tendie time!" >mumma is on the couch watching a movie with another new daddy lazy bitch. but who cares as long as I get my tendies >"Sorry anon but you know the rules! tendies only once a day! just heat up some bagel bitez and leave me and my friend alone." >f------ liar! theres no such rule posted on the GBP chart! and bagel bitez! what an insult! >she'll learn wait untill 2 hours past my beddie bye time >grab my pee pee spittoon and my hidden pair of mummys underwear to wear as a mask interrupt her and new daddy playing in her room "LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE CHICKEN TENDIES IS WHAT I DESIRE!" >start spinning around like taz from loony toons spraying my pee pee all over new daddy is screaming and mum is crying and here l am. eating breakfast tendies in bed like a king. New daddy even said he was going to show me his new gun in the woods next weekend


On January 29th, 2015, the subreddit /r/4chan was renamed #4tendies in reference to the numerous tendies threads and images being uploaded to the site.

my subreddits ▼ -ont all , random] 1 kes Arny.. internetsbeauet. askscence showertoughts iama gaming : nosleep movies worlanews tress musie be more . #4TENDIES want to join? sign in er create an acceunt in seconds I English hot new rising conroversial top gied promoted reddit's stories are created by its users search join the community, vote, and change the world. ogin 个 Moots Final Q & A [self,4chan) 566 Asubmitted 5 days ago by Dirtydirtdirtt klommando (M-sickied post 个S itty Title 4Chan, full of normal people. [ingr.com) 个/k/ discusses rocks (i.impr.com) TV 2954 submitted & hours ago mnmedia 2578 submitted S hours ago by babdok

Pretty Princess Points

Pretty Princess Points (also known as PPP) is variation from the tendies threads that feature a twenty-something woman who lives at her parents home and terrorizes her family to fulfill her whims, in addition to perform sexual favors to her father to get "pretty princess points". The first reference to pretty princess points comes from a post on a /rk9/ thread created on January 25th, 2015, featuring an edited version of Smug Pepe with a bow and lipstick, where a users mention "good girl points", and a reply talks about "pretty princess points".[8] The same day, a similar thread was submitted to the same board that featured a greentext story about a 26 years old woman who had racked up 50 "pretty princess points" and asks her father for a golden bracelet while he responds that the bracelet it's 100 points (shown below).[9] The same thread featured another greentext story where the same woman demands her brother to see his penis in exchange of 5 "pretty princess points".

Anonymous Sun 25 Jan 2015 20:05:25 No.15990986 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>15991093 >>15991098 >1599110515991215 rack up 50 Perfect Pretty Princess Points >Tell Daddy I want a shiny new gold bracelet >He tells me a new gold bracelet will cost 100 Pretty Princess Points >He's trying to swindle me since last month he said it would only cost 50 >demand shiny gold bracelet >he tells me money is tight since he didn't get his big bonus from work like he thought he would >start stamping my feet and chanting "ME WANT SHINY BRACELET ME WANT SHINY BRACELET" >tells me l'm 26 and need to stop acting this way >remove bloody tampon from vagoo and begin whipping it around wildly >period blood splatters on daddy's face >with a horrified look on his face he backs away from me as I grin at him and stare him down >comes home that night with shiny new bracelet >He makes me my meatless Tofu Chick'n Tendies for dinner 258KiB, 394x476, frog girl.png View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO

On February 1st, 2015, a greentext story was submitted on /r9k/ featuring a girl who got 100 "pretty princess points" by taking a shower with her father.[10] On February 13th, 2015, a thread submitted on /r9k/ featured a drawing despicting the bracelet story (shown below).[12] On February 26th, 2015, a /r9k/ user posted more drawings depicting other PPP greentext stories, that would be later used on the "pretty princess points" threads.[11]

Princess Points please dump US diapers in hamper -TO COmputer after no videogemes after 20pm I love you no matter Used diapers only!

A Plate of Chicken Nuggets

On April 19th, 2016, an anonymous user posted a lengthy rant in a discussion thread about the United States presidential primaries on 4chan's /pol/ (politically incorrect) board[13]:

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked.

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Particle  Mare
Particle Mare

in reply to RandomMan

SUPER-SERIOUS OFFICIAL MOD ANNOUNCEMENT: we've decided to raise the price of a custom title from one hundred dank memepoints to two hundred dank memepoints. Really sorry guys, but ever since a certain moderator *cough* RandomMan *cough* decided to start exchanging points for sexual favors, a bunch of people have been all over him. Now the memepoint market has crashed thanks to him thinking with his dick instead of his brain, and every goshdarn KYM member is a memepoint millionaire all of a sudden. So yeah, once again, apologies to the folks who have done honest work for their memepoints, but we can't just have every other user walking around with a custom title.


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