15 Modern Tumblr Posts That Are Pure Gold
While 2024 shockingly carries on with more chaos, it's still a surprise to see Tumblr providing humor for all of us. It's been a long time since this platform's best days, but somehow it continues to live on. And surprisingly, it's not doing too bad. Its user base may have gone way down, but the ones that remain still have some pretty funny things to say, and we love the sort of creativity that lurks in the forgotten platform just as much as we used to.
Tumblr isn't what it used to be, but the users are trying so hard that it feels like it's still alive to them, like it's suspended in an illusion of grandeur that everyone else forgot about. But now, we're reclaiming tumblr and the many posts we used to love with some fresh new content from the site. In case you've deleted your account, check out the subreddit /r/Tumblr for all of the best posts circulating on the social networking platform. Here are 15 of our favorites.